Page 14 of Poison Evidence
“Come. I’ll make you come again with my tongue. You can savor that orgasm. But this one is going to be fast, and it’s going to be hard.”
With the pressure of his thumb, she had no choice. He stroked her inside and out, and she crashed over the edge, tumbling into a hot sultry sea that left her breathless.
Orgasm achieved, Jack shifted his hands and gripped her ass. He thrust into her with all the rough heat she’d wanted from the start.
She kissed him as he came with a hard groan. They kept kissing long after he stopped thrusting. The ultimate make-out session as their heartbeats slowed.
He lifted his head even as he rocked his hips into her one more time, sending shivers of pleasure shooting through her.
“God, you’re beautiful, Poison,” he said, his voice reverent.
She laughed. “Beautiful poison, or beautiful, comma, Poison as in a name?”
He slipped his tongue into her mouth again, as if he couldn’t get enough of tasting her. “Both,” he said against her lips. “Many poisons are safe at low doses, but I have a feeling if I keep tasting, I’ll be a goner.”
She grinned and stroked his cheeks, still smooth from his pre-party shave, and she wondered if she’d get a chance to feel his stubble against her skin.
She barely knew this man. A meeting at a party followed by a vicious assault, and now he was deep inside her as they came down from what had to be one of the hottest screws of her life.
“Well, I may be poison, but you’re Death Valley hot. And only a fool ventures into Death Valley unprepared.”
“Sweetheart, right now, Death Valley is inyou.” He ground into her again with his hips.
She groaned at the joke. “I set you up for that.”
He flashed a grin. “And I appreciate it.”
She nibbled at his jaw. She’d never really gone for blonds, but he was an exception. Strong jawline. Prominent nose. The scarred brow. She’d guess his age around her own, mid-thirties.
Good Lord, she’d just had sex with the man and she didn’t even know his age. “How old are you, Jack Keaton?”
He slipped from inside her and set her feet on the ground. “Let’s get comfortable before we get to know each other.” He slipped off the condom and dropped it in the trash, then turned on the shower again and rinsed the residue of semen and spermicide from his cock before taking the wand and rinsing her intimately.
The hot spray caused a quick, hard jolt of pleasure, which intensified when his fingers joined the water. She rocked on her feet and would have fallen if not for the wall at her back.
He chuckled and shut off the shower and reached for a towel from a cupboard above the head.
He wrapped the towel around her back and used it to pull her against his chest. He kissed her long and deep before saying, “I’m thirty-four.”
He lifted her with an arm under her butt and one around her back and carried her out of the shower, then he boosted her over his shoulder and crossed through the galley and salon, finally reaching the captain’s stateroom in the stern, where he dropped her on the bed.
She loved everything about the way he’d taken charge. She scooted back on the bed, and he followed, pinning her. “I’m a Pisces,” he murmured before he sucked her nipple into his mouth. “Not that I believe in that crap.” He sucked on her other nipple. “I was born in Montana. Moved to California when I was fifteen. Joined the Air Force after college when I was twenty-one. I was a pilot and retired a major.”
He slipped a hand between her legs and stroked her, and she twitched with pleasure. “Anything else you want to know?”
She touched the scar that bisected his eyebrow. “How did you get this?”
“Jumping out of a plane in a hurry. A strap wasn’t secure, and when I pulled the chute, it sliced me.” He widened her thighs so he could play with her clit and slip two fingers inside her. “My turn. What turns you on, Ivy?”
“Right now, you.”
He grinned. “No. I mean what are your fantasies? Have you ever done this, sex with a stranger before?”
“In my early twenties. Not since—” But she wouldn’t mention her marriage. Not now. Not with Jack.
“It’s empowering, isn’t it?”
“Yes.” She breathed more than said the word as he moved and stroked her clit with his tongue. And she realized that was part of why she wanted this tonight. She couldn’t control what happened in the swamp, but right this moment, she owned her body and was doing as she pleased with it.