Page 135 of Don't Look Back
This wasn’t the original plan—in case they had trouble getting past the gate—but now that they were here, it made sense.
“As long as you get video of Reuben’s face when he spots me, I’m good.”
He touched the camera in his collar and flashed the baseball ring. “Wouldn’t miss that for the world.”
He clicked on the link that gave Freya and NSWC a live feed from the collar camera as he marched up the steps and shoved open the door, not bothering to wait for the butler. He demanded to see Luka and Reuben and this time was led into a room with a theater-sized TV.
Not the art room he’d been expecting, but he should have known they’d be glued to the news. It was almost 1100 in Malta, and 0500 in Virginia. The news showed dark skies and even darker clouds over Little Creek. They’d continued to pump in smoke over the last few hours, to make it impossible for news cameras to get a decent view of the base in the night.
The no-fly zone was being strictly enforced, authorized by no less than the president, who’d received a security briefing on the planned assault and countermeasures being taken thirty minutes before the fireworks show began.
Now it was an hour before sunrise. Soon, nautical twilight would end and civil twilight begin. As the smoke cleared, the sun would rise and reveal the base had no damage at all. The power station was fine. Wastewater treatment continued without concern. The barracks still stood, and sailors who’d gone to the club to celebrate the holiday would rise and shine. They might not shine bright if they’d indulged too much, but still, they would rise.
The Coast Guard would still patrol the waters of the Chesapeake where they met the Atlantic, and Seabees and other Navy engineers would continue engineering, underwater and on land.
The same number of SEALs who were based at Little Creek and Dam Neck yesterday continued to serve today. Naval Special Warfare Command continued to be special.
Reuben faced him with not a small amount of glee. “Have you seen the news? Something happened in Virginia. That’s where you’re from, right?”
Rand furrowed his brow. “Virginia? It’s a big state. What part?”
“There were devastating attacks on two Navy bases. It happened during a fireworks show.”
Reuben waved toward the TV. “The proof is there.”
Rand took a step forward and studied the screen. He saw nothing but the same cloudy dark night the news had broadcast for the last few hours. “I don’t see anything.” He frowned. “But damn if a group of terrorists managed to pull that off…it would be… Nah. Not possible. Base security is too tight. I’ve researched that kind of thing for my books.”
He moved to stand in front of the TV to command their attention. “I’m not here to talk about the news. I want to talk about Kira. Aren’t you even a little concerned about her?”
Reuben’s face shuttered. “She dumped you and went home.”
“No, she didn’t.” He faced Luka. The man probably didn’t give a damn about Kira, but his interest in talking to her had been real. He was the one who’d lured her here. “Kira is still in Malta, but Reuben doesn’t want you to talk to her. You might want to ask him why.” He gave it another beat and said, “And you might want a food taster, because you’re getting yellower by the minute.”
His words caused both men to turn red, but in Luka’s case, it was really a shade of orange.
“Leave, Fallon,” Reuben said.
Rand merely grinned. “Last chance to come clean, big brother.”
Reuben’s brow furrowed but he said nothing. Even though the camera was recording, Rand raised his right hand as though plucking a thread from his shirt and pointed the ring at Reuben. He snapped a bunch of pictures as Kira and her entourage of bodyguards in casual beach attire entered the room.
Reuben’s face went from smug to shock in the space of a heartbeat.
Kira was a glorious Valkyrie, entering battle. “I’m here to collect my pendant, Reuben.” She then faced Luka. “And I want my mother’s paintings.”
She’d known the demands would be fruitless. Reuben couldn’t return the pendant without admitting to their father that he’d abducted her and dumped her in a crypt. And Luka’s one string he had to pull was the paintings.
Still, they’d gotten what they wanted from the meeting, even if she hadn’t walked away with the necklace and paintings.
Life was precious. Rand was precious. She didn’t need a necklace to feel close to her mom. The hardest part was walking away without even seeing her mother’s paintings.
She knew that once she crossed the threshold, she’d never have another opportunity to see them. But it had been important to leave before the sun was fully risen in Virginia. Before Reuben knew how badly he’d been had.
They were deep in Laskin’s computer and phone network now, thanks to Rand’s work on Monday. They had threads of the conspiracy, and one conspirator. But Laskin wouldn’t be easy to snare. Not unless Maxim talked.
Without Maxim, they wouldn’t have anything to legally connect him to the attack on the base. It was Reuben who sent Benny after Kira. It was Reuben who declared he’d make a fine president of Russia just days after one failed coup and right before he launched an attack intended to put him in the seat of power.