Page 33 of Don't Look Back
“I couldn’t take the chance you’d say no.”
“You’re failing to acknowledge that I canstillsay no. Just because you’re here doesn’t make you the boss of me. I had an employer who wanted to control me once. I’ll never let that happen again.”
Rand stopped again, but this time, he didn’t grab her arm to detain her. “Fuck, Kira. I’m not like him. I’m not trying to control you?—”
She stopped and faced him. “I want to believe you, but you’re going to have to rein in your SEAL team commander impulses andshowme you aren’t that guy.”
“You want me to prove it by leaving? Give me a chance. Please.”
“I’m not asking you to leave. Just don’t blindside me again or speak for me to make me do what you want without consulting me.”
He nodded. “Do you want to get a drink? Have a bite to eat? Or go back to the hotel and talk?”
She smirked, remembering all of Freya’s questions about hotels and plans she’d made. “Why do I think we’re staying in the same hotel?” She narrowed her gaze. “You have your own room, right?”
“Yes, and yes. I’m not here to seduce you. Your ‘no’ was loud and clear.”
“Good.” He was going to be distracting enough. Best to have ground rules.
Tables were set up in the middle of the street to serve patrons of the restaurants on a road that was just a few blocks uphill from their hotel. Kira’s eyes lit up as she exclaimed over the transformation of street to restaurant dining area.
Damn but she was beautiful.
Rand cursed himself again for how badly he’d screwed up. She was right about him taking command. For him, this was an op, and he’d been a team commander for years. He knew how to take orders from above, but in action, he consulted with Chris and others, then made the call.
He held out a chair for Kira in the middle of the cobblestone road in front of a small Italian restaurant. She sank into the seat, her smile warm with delight as live music boomed through streets lit with small sparkling lights.
He pressed a kiss to her cheek, then circled the small table to sit across from her. Loud music and chatter meant he needed to lean across the table to be heard, which he didn’t mind at all.
A waiter took their drink orders, then left them alone. Rand offered her his hand across the table. To his great relief, she took it.
The feel of her palm against his triggered something in his chest. Handholding had never felt like his before. She was perfect. Unharmed. He would make sure she stayed that way.
He ran a thumb over her knuckles. The calloused pad probably felt like sandpaper against her smooth skin. “Can we start over?”
She nodded. Her fingers tightened on his. “I do appreciate the—literal—lengths you’ve gone to be here. For me.”
“I failed you before. I won’t let that happen again.”
She frowned. “Youfailed me? You took out the gunman on the base. I’d probably be dead if not for you.”
He shook his head, his hand tightening on hers. “No. In December. Isawhow he looked at you. I was too focused on trying to get a date with you to listen to my gut. I should have protected you.”
She slipped her hand from his. His palm felt cold without her touch even though the evening was warm. “Rand, no one could have predicted what happened to me. It’s not your fault any more than it was Freya’s or mine.”
“But it’s myjobto identify threats. And he not only threatened you in front of me, he took a swing.”
“Which you stopped. He didn’t hurt me. And he made threats all the time that never amounted to anything.” She sighed. “Listen, I know you’re a badass SEA?—”
He gave a sharp shake of his head and reached under the table to touch her knee. He hadn’t stopped her from using his rank when they were alone on the street, but now they were surrounded by people. It was noisy, but there were momentary lulls in the music and conversations. They needed to be discreet.
She nodded and said, “Secret author.” She flashed a wry smile at her save, then leaned forward and lowered her voice. “But your…workisn’t the real world. The threats you see aren’t normal for an art historian like me. If you’d done anything to try to convince me I was in danger that night, I’d have been convincedyouwere the danger, refusing to take no for an answer when I turned you down. The last thing I need—then, or now—is another man who can’t accept a no. If you’d pushed me, I’d have deleted your number the moment I was inside my building.”
“I hear you, but it doesn’t change the fact that I didn’t see a threat right in front of my face.”
“So you traveled nearly five thousand miles because you feel like you owe me some kind of debt?”
He leaned back in his chair and smiled. Their waiter was approaching with their drinks. “No. I flew five thousand miles to research my next book.” He leaned slightly forward. “Now, isn’t it past time you tell me whyyouflew five thousand miles? Your very first trip outside the US and you chose Malta?”