Page 104 of False Evidence
“It’s okay, I can afford my own wedding dress. I mean, I won’t be going designer, and Eden doesn’t strike me as someone who wants to spend several thousand on a dress that will only be worn once.” She tilted her head back and held his gaze. “I presume with the company being sold and your decision not to run for office that I won’tneeddesigner clothing moving forward.”
“No. Only if you want them.”
“I could see splurging here and there as I know you move in the kinds of circles where you get invited to black tie events, but I presume those will be fewer and farther between.”
“Yeah.” He paused, then broached the sensitive subject. “Will you…let me buy you jewelry?”
She stroked his cheek. “Only if you promise you’re doing it for love. Because it makesyouhappy. No ulterior motive. No suspicion.”
“Always. That was always why I gave you gems.”
“And I loved the gifts and making love with you while wearing them. Your words that last night didn’t change history or my memories of it.”
He rose from the couch and went to his suitcase, which he’d brought in from the car but had yet to bring upstairs to Alexandra’s bedroom. He unzipped the top compartment and pulled out the wrapped gift.
He returned to the couch and presented it to her. “It’s an hour before midnight. Still Christmas.”
“This was in the attic?”
He nodded. “I’m not even sure what’s in it.”
She smiled and studied the square box. “You were fond of giving me necklaces. This is the right size box.”
She tugged at the red ribbon and untied the bow. “I wish I had a gift for you.”
“You gave me Gemma when you said she could call me Daddy. Whatever is in that box will pale in comparison to that.”
She swiped at her eyes, then ripped open the gold wrapping paper. It was no surprise to see the box was Tiffany blue. She lifted the lid and pulled out the enclosed hinged jewelry box.
She gasped when she opened it, and the contents surprised JT too. He’d forgotten—possibly blocked out—that he’d commissioned this special piece just for her.
A galaxy made of colorless to blue diamonds for his theoretical physicist. The necklace was a spiral galaxy three inches in diameter at the widest point. One earring was a lenticular galaxy and the other a barred spiral.
“It’s stunning,” she said. “And it feels moremethan most of the pieces you gave me.” She held it to her chest. “I’m glad you never gave me this before because it would have been heartbreaking to sell it even though I’d never have a reason to wear it.”
“Will you wear it with your wedding dress?”
She smiled. “Try and stop me.”
“Put it on. We’ll take a photo so you know what neckline will look best.”
She slipped off the button-down shirt she’d borrowed from JT to wear to Christmas dinner and stood before him the same no-frills satin bra she’d worn all week. She could go upstairs and find a better shirt or a dress, but this was just a shopping aide and didn’t need to be perfect. She lifted her hair, and JT draped the necklace around her and fastened the clasp.
She popped in the earrings and smiled. “How do I look?”
“You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. With or without the necklace.”
He took her photo with his cell phone. “We can set up the phone Raptor gave you tomorrow, and I’ll send this to you.”
She nodded and took a step toward him. She placed her hand behind his neck and pulled his mouth down to hers. “Thank you for the jewelry.”
She kissed him, and he was pulled back in time to when he first gave her a necklace on Christmas Day.
And just as she had then, she took his hand and led him to bed. They celebrated the holiday and the rush of feelings that engulfed them with each moment they spent together. As they made love, she wore nothing but the jewels he’d just given her.
Two days later, Alexandra met the others for dress shopping at Trina and Keith’s house in Georgetown because it was closest to the boutiques where they had appointments lined up. The entourage consisted of the two brides along with Erica, Mara, Trina, Isabel, Tricia, and Leah.