Page 127 of False Evidence
“The police think they have enough to get a warrant to search Calvin Moss’s house and offices. They should get it tomorrow. New Year’s Eve at the latest.”
“Interesting timing, given the sale.”
JT had told the police of his intention to appear to move forward with the sale. The last thing he wanted was to tip off Calvin Moss. He’d even sign papers and had his attorney working on language that could nullify the sale in the event of Moss’s arrest. In the meantime, it would serve to tie up Moss’s funding. He had a lot of investors on the hook and would be destroyed financially, which wasn’t justice, but still offered a small amount of satisfaction.
“Yeah. I said that. And we can use it. They wouldn’t mind serving the warrant while theyknowhe’s not at the office or home.”
“Interestingly enough, you have a very important meeting scheduled with him before close of business on New Year’s Eve.”
“Exactly. The paperwork on this kind of thing takes a while, which is why we’re doing it at two p.m., hours before the party.”
“So they’ll serve the warrant while you keep him occupied?”
“Yep. And then we’ll get married—and if all goes well, he won’t be among the guests.”
“If they find anything in his home or office, they’ll serve the warrant for his arrest at the Mayflower?”
“What a fabulous wedding gift.”
“I aim to please.”
“This gives me an idea. Tomorrow, I’m meeting with Mark to make a video for the wedding reception. What do you say we make a special version for Calvin to preview?”
Kendall’s photographer boyfriend, Mark, had been hired to photograph the ceremony, but this was the first JT had heard of any kind of video.
She grinned. “It was going to be a surprise. Lee’s been helping me find photos—some are on that old hard drive, some in T&D archives.”
JT returned the smile. “I think it sounds great. And I love the idea of fu—” He glanced toward Gemma. “Messing with Calvin while we have his attention.”
“Oh, we’ll have his attention, all right.”
He kissed her forehead. “Rip him a new black hole, Muffin.”
“Thanks for meeting earlier than we’d scheduled, Calvin. Sorry I hijacked our original plans for the night.” JT gave him his very best grin, eager to get this over with, but also ready to savor every moment of watching this guy squirm.
“No worries, JT. This was always your show. I’ve never been big into the holiday spectacle. Too much opportunity to fuck it all up.” He grinned at the obvious reference to what JT had done at the party years ago. “By the way, big congrats ongetting her to forgive you.”
“I’m a lucky man,” he said with absolute sincerity.
This sort of transaction was usually completed at a title company or other neutral office, with the seller signing first, but given the scope of this sale, they’d all—even the attorneys involved—agreed to do this in the office attached to the ballroom at the Mayflower, just prior to the start of the New Year’s Eve party.
JT had bumped up the timeline for the closing, but the party for T&D employees was still on if they wanted to attend. It also just so happened to now be a wedding reception.
In a few hours, JT would marry Alexandra, right after appearing to sell the company that had been his dad’s life work. He was sad his dad wasn’t here for this. Joe might not be pleased that JT intended to sell—not to Moss, but he’d find another buyer—but his dad had come to respect Alexandra. In their last conversation, Joe had urged him to repair the relationship.
Instead, the next day, within an hour of his father’s death, he’d torched it.
Life had given him one more shot, and he wouldn’t waste it.
The paperwork was endless, which was just what they needed to buy time. An hour and twenty minutes into the process, Alexandra entered the conference room.
“Are you supposed to be here?” Calvin said. “Shouldn’t you be hiding behind a veil or something?”
“No time for superstitions when you plan a wedding at the last minute like this.”