Page 54 of False Evidence
“But if it’s not…ifthis…doesn’t live up to the anticipation, you can disappear without apologies. Same for me.”
“When it exceeds expectations, what then? Are you still going to vanish?”
“I don’t know. I’ve worked my whole life to get where I am. I’m not going to screw it up with distractions.”
He stepped back and took her hand, leading her to the table where their half-full wineglasses waited. “We have now. Tonight.” He nodded toward the couch. “Let’s relax. Enjoy the wine. Room service will be here in another twenty minutes.”
Alexandra had never actually had room service. She grew up in a comfortable middle-class household, and her parents indulged in some areas, but even when they stayed in hotels with room service, the surcharge was never deemed worth the convenience. She understood. Her parents were smart and responsible. They’d raised her to be the same.
Ordering the bottle of champagne on Friday had been a wild rebellion—but not one aimed at her parents. Far from it.
Now, she anticipated her firstrealroom service meal, and she had a feeling it would ruin her for all time. In the same way Jay might ruin her for other men.
Dinner arrived, and she was right to think that no other room service would compare. They ate a slow, lingering meal, laughing and talking as they enjoyed eating in no particular order, given that everything had arrived at once.
Alexandra ate a little of each dish but not too much of anything, even though it was delicious and so tempting to eat until her belly ached.
She hoped to convince him to change his mind about not having sex and wouldn’t ruin it by overindulging in food or wine.
They sat at the table, lingering after they’d both finished eating. She rose and picked up the wine bottle. “Shall we move to the couch?”
He grabbed both their glasses and led the way. She waited for him to sit, then set the bottle on the coffee table and joined him on the couch by straddling him.
His arms went around her as he let out an amused laugh that cut off when the robe split open and her center settled on his growing erection.
It was a shame she wore underwear. A bigger shame he wore slacks.
His hands slid around her waist inside the robe, those rough fingers warm on her bare skin. “This is sudden.”
“Not really.”
“No. I suppose not. But still a surprise. I thought I’d have to work a little harder.”
She rocked against him. “Getting there.” She let out a soft moan. “You lied about your rusty ballroom.”
He laughed again, rocking his hips in a perfectly wonderful way. “Don’t get too excited, Lex. This is all the attention you’ll get from my cock tonight.”
His mouth explored her neck as his hands slid up, over her ribs, then he cupped her breasts, which were unfortunately covered with a satin-and-lace bra. She knew she should have stripped down to nothing but the heels and robe.
His thumb brushed over her nipple as he licked and sucked along her throat and collarbone. He spoke between kisses. “You…can have…my mouth…my hands. I give you free rein to use me for your pleasure… But my cock is not joining in the fun. Not tonight.”
She whimpered at the feel of the one body part he was denying her. She wanted him inside her.Now.
One large, rough hand slipped inside her bra and pushed the cup aside, freeing the full, large mound to his gaze and touch. He licked her breast as his hand cupped her and squeezed. “Fucking magnificent,” he murmured as her nipple peaked. He licked again, then sucked her into his warm mouth.
As he teased one breast, he freed the other, then his mouth moved, giving attention to the newly bared breast as his thumb took over teasing her abandoned nipple.
She groaned against him as his play caused a tightening in her pelvis. “Please. Fuck me.”
“I will. With my tongue. Now, promise to abide by my rules, or I’ll stop.”
She clamped her mouth tight against more begging. If he stopped now, she might implode.
His mouth left her breasts and moved up her neck until he found her lips. The kiss was deep and carnal. His tongue made promises as his hands moved down to cup her ass. He rose from the couch, lifting her as he did so.
She was no featherweight, and the smooth action turned her on even more. He carried her to the bed, raised a knee to the mattress, and leaned over her as he set her down. He then released her and stood, gazing at her with smoldering eyes.
“You look so fucking amazing on my bed. Tits out and legs spread, waiting for me.”