Page 73 of False Evidence
His phone pinged.
Received:No fair. He upsets me all the time, but you always tell me I have to stay.
He smiled and typed a reply.
Sent:She’s cuter than you, and you know how to handle Joe.
His phone pinged again as he tucked it away.
“Wait. What else did he say?”
He knew he was still winning her trust, so he showed her the phone.
Received:Have fun. I’m glad she’s giving you a chance. Don’t blow it.
She smiled after reading. “He seems like a good guy.”
“He’s my best friend. I mean, also my only friend, but whatever.”
She laughed.
He circled the car while she climbed into the driver’s seat, then leaned across and pulled up the lock from the inside. The old Honda didn’t have power locks or windows. He seriously hoped it had heat, but he wasn’t about to diss on her vehicle.
They were on the road before she asked, “Where are we going?”
“Are we spending the night together? Or do you have plans for Christmas morning?”
“No plans. You?”
They came to a stop at a light. He lifted her hand from the stick shift and kissed her knuckles. “I was hoping to spend it with you.”
She slipped her hand from his just before the light changed and they were moving again. “Okay. So your place or mine?”
“My place has room service.”
They were thirty minutes from the hotel. She turned on Christmas music.
“Tell me about Lee.”
“He was my stepbrother for several years when we were kids. He’s five years younger than me and was five when my dad married his mom. The marriage didn’t last, but the little brother stuck.”
“That’s sweet. Especially given your age difference. So Lee is my age? Twenty-five?”
“Twenty-six. I’m thirty-one.”
“And when you were my age, you were taking over Talon & Drake. That’s a little wild.”
“It was, but I’d been working for the company since I was fourteen. Started with internships. All through college, I was working for the company on the side.”
“Was that your dad’s idea?”
“To be honest, I don’t really know anymore. I mean, I remember how it came about. I remember asking for the jobs, but I don’t know if Dad planted the idea, the drive. It was just always understood that I would take over someday and needed to be ready. It just happened far sooner than I expected when he decided to go into politics—and then won. He never would have stepped aside if it wasn’t for ethics rules. Dad loves that company, probably even more than he loves me and Lee.”
“That doesn’t bother you?”
“Not anymore. It feels different at thirty-one than it did at twelve. Plus, he basically gave me the company, so I guess that means I’m important to him. Joe has lots of loves. He loves the tribe. He loves being a senator. He loves Lisa.”