Page 78 of False Evidence
“You didn’t recognize him, remember his name, or have contact with him in sixteen years.”
“But he could have told me who he was.”
“Did he?”
“No! Of course not.”
“You didn’t shoot him. That’s what matters. And if Russ Spaulding is involved, he’s just made a big mistake. Because he’s back on my radar now, and he won’t get away with fucking with you this time.”
Lex’s gaze flicked to Gemma, and he added, “Sorry.”
“It’s fine. The only person I hate more than Brent Forbes is Russ Spaulding.”
He was damn glad he wasn’t on that list.
“No one is going to get much done today. I’ll call Raptor, and then it’s time to go get a Christmas tree.”
She smiled. “I want that. Desperately.”
He put an arm around her waist and pulled her to him, giving her a light hug. “Go get Gemma ready while I make the call.”
She leaned her head against his chest. “Thank you.”
He placed a finger beneath her chin and raised her face to meet his gaze. He smiled, then brushed his lips over hers. “Christmas begins now.”
Clinton, Maryland
Christmas Eve
Fourteen years ago
The last of the kids had received their presents, and the curtain closed. JT pulled Alexandra to his lap and kissed her neck. The white beard tickled her skin. “Christmas starts now.” The words were a whisper against her skin.
She shivered with anticipation. This would be the third Christmas Eve in a row in which they skipped out on the dinner and returned to DC for their own celebration, but this year, they were returning to JT’s newly purchased townhouse in Georgetown. Alexandra had spent the last few days moving into the three-story, four-bedroom home.
The first time she and JT had made love, it was Christmas Eve. This year, it would be the first time they made love in a home they shared. The start of this next phase of their lives together.
She didn’t think she’d ever been so happy in her life.
It was weird to think that she had Russ and Brent to thank for her current happiness. First because she’d never have met JT if it wasn’t for them and certainly wouldn’t have propositioned him that first night if not for what Russ tried to do.
And now, she had made the decision to move in with him because six weeks ago, she’d discovered Kendall was still dating Brent. He’d had free access to their apartment when Alexandra wasn’t home.
It explained why things had been moved in her room. Files deleted from her computer. The prick had a vendetta against Alexandra, and Kendall had looked the other way.
She shook off the painful thought as she slid from Santa’s lap and adjusted her tunic. “I’ve been very naughty again this year.”
JT grinned as he stood. He cupped her ass. “I know. If we hurry home, we can be naughty together one more time before midnight.”
“Onlyonemore time?”
“I intend to take my time now that we have plenty of it.”
JT had been begging her to move in with him since about six months into the relationship, but she’d resisted because she didn’t want to be dependent on him financially. But she also didn’t want Brent and Russ to have access to her living quarters ever again, and so she’d finally agreed.
The townhouse had closed three days ago. JT had driven down to DC to sign the papers, but then he’d had to return to New York because of another crisis caused by Drake. She’d busted her butt to get moved in and unpacked and accept furniture deliveries. The only room that was completely set up was their bedroom, but the living room at least had a couch and TV.