Page 45 of Off Balance
"But is he sleeping at home?"
Dwayne's forehead wrinkles. "Not that I've noticed, but he's an adult. He doesn't need me checking in on him."
"You sure about that?"
"Dom, what are you getting at?"
"I don't like that Alistar guy."
"Emile? He's kind of pretentious, but if Cameron's happy?—"
"That’s the thing. I don't think he is. And I think Alistar is bad news."
"How so?" I can't tell if Dwayne is placating me or picking up on my concerns.
I worry my bottom lip, unsure of how to proceed. How pissed is Cam going to be when he finds out I broke and told his stepdad anything at all? I'm kind of cornered here, though. I’ve been worrying over this issue so much that it'd be nice to get another perspective on it. Dwayne is a lot more level-headed than I've ever been.
"Look, he's an adult. His age has nothing to do with this, and I know he can take care of himself, but—" I pause again, trying to work out how to word what happened at the after party without giving away my part in it.
"Are you worried about the age difference between him and Emile? Because I don't think it matters that much." He reads my expression wrong. "What? It's only ten years, and it's not like he's a teenager. Like you said, he's an adult."
Hysterical laughter threatens to bubble up from the depths of my churning stomach. My face is suddenly burning. So much so that I raise one of the ice packs to my heated forehead.
"That's not it," I assure him. "He, uh… Well, he acts like he owns Cam and treats him like a fucking show dog. Sit, stay, speak." Dwayne's head cocks. "But the real problem is what happened last weekend."
"Last weekend? At the show?"
I shake my head. "The afterparty. I think Cam got roofied, and Alistar did fuck all to help him."
Dwayne stares at me blankly for several moments before uncrossing his arms and walking around his desk. He takes his seat, runs a hand over this face, and then leans forward on his elbows. "He did what now?"
"Cam called me around ten thirty. All I could hear was background noise. I wasn't sure if he called by accident or if he dropped his phone or what. I'm not sure what I was hearing or what was my imagination, because I thought he might be hurt or something, but I know I heard Alistar. I kind of lost my shit when the phone disconnected. I called back, but there was no answer. Then a text came through with an address." I look up at my brother, not hiding my seething tone. "Whoever was with him just dumped him outside." I give Dwayne a pointed look so he knows exactly who I mean when I saywhoever. "I found him passed out on the sidewalk and covered in puke. He was completely out of it."
"And you think Emile was with him?"
"I'm almost positive it was him that sent the text with the address. And I know I heard his voice on the phone."
I jump out of my seat, tearing the ice packs away from my hands as I pace his office.
"That fucker dumped him like trash on the sidewalk, Dwayne."
He's too quiet.
"For fuck's sake, Dwayne! How are you so calm?"
"I'm trying to find the right words…"
"Unless the words are that you know someone who can take his kneecaps out before I do it myself?—"
"Calm the fuck down, Dom."
"I can't calm down! He's with that piece of shit, Dwayne. The guy that left him. Anything could have happened!"
"I don't disagree that Cam being left alone and passed out outside is a huge problem, but why do you think he was drugged? Not that it would excuse any of this—because it doesn't—but it wouldn't be the first time Cam has overdone it with the partying. It's been a long time since it's been an issue, or at least one that's been brought to our attention. Cora and I actually thought it was Emile that was responsible for the one eighty he's done."
"He rarely drinks at all anymore, and he said he drank less than the one drink he was given."
Dwayne rubs his fingers over the stubble on his chin. "What was the name of the club?"