Page 55 of Off Balance
"Did you do your final costume fitting yesterday? Is it fitting better?"
"It, uh, it was a bit loose, actually. They're taking it in before tonight."
His smile widens, pleased at the news. "Even better. Well done. Let's not get too comfortable in our skin, though. I still want you to continue with the journal."
My stomach cramps. I hate the stupid food and exercise journal. I'm already strict about what I put into my body, and I never skip a day of training. Having Emile check over how much I've eaten and exercised makes me feel like a child.
"Alright. I'll bring it after the weekend."
"Do you not have it with you?" He knows it’s in my locker. Clearly, he was in there looking through my things.
"I do, but?—"
"Excellent. Why don't you run and fetch it, and I'll ask Belinda to order in lunch."
"Oh, well I was planning on going home to rest before warmups for tonight."
"Nonsense. Besides, two hours would hardly make it worth it. And I need you in the makeup chair tonight. You're looking a bit pale."
"Okay then."
I nod to the doctor as she comes inside. She shakes my hand and introduces herself by her first name, Jennifer.
"What brings you in today?"
"Weakness, fatigue, brain fog. I'm a professional dancer, and this week has been particularly grueling. I nearly dropped my partner this morning at rehearsal."
"Well, that's not good," she says, stepping towards me with her stethoscope. "How long do you rehearse every day?"
"Depends on the day. But on performance days, three hours in the morning. Plus workouts and warmups. For non-performance days, usually a second three-hour block."
"Plus workouts and warmups?"
"That's quite a lot of exercise. Do you have days off?"
"After the production ends."
She laughs. "How about today? Is today a performance day?"
"No, today is a rehearsal day. We have performances tomorrow through Sunday, with Friday and Saturday being double performances."
"Goodness, that is a lot."
"Life of a professional athlete."
"I understand, but you're going to overdo it if you aren't careful. It’s important that you're eating enough, hydrating, and replacing electrolytes. I'd like to run some labs, but we'll get you hooked up to what we call a banana bag while we wait for the results. It's a specialized IV with vitamins and minerals that should help perk you up. Sound like a plan?"
I'm familiar with banana bags. Plenty of athletes get them occasionally. Emile once had a nurse come to the office to administer one because he was hungover.
I thank Jennifer and lay back on the bed. I might as well get a nap in while I'm here.
An hour later, I'm headed back to the studio. I have written orders to rest for the rest of the day and evening, but that would go over about as well as a fart in a hot yoga studio. I can just imagine what Emile's reaction would be to me needing to take the day off, especially when I've been doing as poorly as I have. He'll be mad enough that I'm getting back to the studio late.