Page 78 of Off Balance
I smile when I hear the squeak of the shower being turned off, knowing what's coming next.
Sure enough, Cameron waltzes out of the bathroom, vanilla scented steam billowing out behind him, naked as the day he was born. Even after just a couple of days, he's looking stronger and healthier. The color is back in his cheeks, the light fully returned to those captivating eyes.
Much to the chagrin of my brother and Cora, Cameron chose to come home with me after leaving the hospital. It was Cam's choice, but I also let them know that it's also for his protection. I'm not planning on letting him out of my sight. If Alistar comes knocking, he won't get one scummy finger on my tiny dancer.Knowing what I know about Cam's former coworkers, especially the injury that Heath sustained during a very suspicious drunken accident, I have major concerns about Cam's safety once Alistar hears the long list of accusations he's being faced with.
In the meantime, it's been two days of resisting Cam's advances to the best of my ability. The first day home after being discharged was painful. We’re used to doing nothing but makeout and make each other come whenever we're alone. It’s been good to actually talk about things, learn more about his life and who he is. I was steadfast until night came and he was lying next to me in bed. I couldn't help but kiss him back. It was physically painful not to go further, but I’ve stayed strong in my resolve, and it was nice to know that what we have growing between us is more than just sexual attraction. Kissing and talking all night, and just holding him, felt like everything I needed. Knowing he's safe in my arms where no one can get to him made sleep come so much easier.
The first morning we woke up together, we were both painfully hard. I was determined to be good, but he wasn't. I watched him while he stroked himself until I couldn't handle anymore and took over with my mouth. I swallowed his cum and then licked every drop that leaked from my mouth, because I couldn't bear to let a drop of it go to waste. Then he teased me all day after that, walking around in my clothes, randomly rubbing up against me when we passed each other in the kitchen, mindlessly running his fingers across my skin while we read or tried to watch a movie on my laptop. Or lying across my bed in the smallest underwear I've ever seen on a man. It was difficult to keep him distracted all day since he's under strict orders to rest and not doing anything strenuous. I don't know that he's ever gone a day in his life without working out or dancing, but he's not a fan, and all that restless energy has been aimed at my poor libido.
Last night I was weak. I finally gave in to some heavy making out that admittedly escalated way beyond what I intended, but how could anyone resist him entirely? I went down on him until he begged me for more. I turned him over and did something I've been desperate to try since the first time I saw his sexy little hole. I kissed and licked him like he was my last meal, until he waspushing back on my face, telling me what to do next. I speared him with my tongue and let him ride my face until I had to come so badly it was a choice of coming in my pants or painting his skin. Obviously, I chose the latter. I came all over his sexy ass and watched it drip down his crack. Cam got bossy then, demanding that I clean up my mess by pushing it into his hole with my tongue. I'm still not sure such a feat is possible, but I'll be damned if I didn't try until my cock was hard all over again, and he was begging for my fingers.
Pushing that first digit inside him was transcendent. His tight little hole gripped and pulsed around me as Cam instructed me on how to find his prostate. I marveled at how it made his cock jump whenever I rubbed over the soft, smooth bundle of nerves inside him. He demanded another finger, promising he'd come for me if I relented. I fucked him with my two fingers excruciatingly slowly, learning every spot inside him that makes him moan and cry. He cried for more, begged to be stretched and fucked hard.
"This perfect ass was made to take my fingers, baby. I love feeling you pulse inside when I touch you here," I said, pushing my fingers up and brushing them in a beckoning motion.
"Oh God,Dom… My perfect ass was made to take your cock, Daddy. I promise I can take it," he begged, panting for more until I started moving my hand faster, targeting his prostate until he couldn't talk through the force of his oncoming orgasm. Wrapping my free arm around his waist, I held his cock in my fist, not stroking but holding him still until he started to spurt. I caught it all in my hand, then made him slurp it up to make up for teasing me and calling me Daddy.
"I really can take you," he said once he finally caught his breath. "All it takes is the right amount of prep, and it feels good tobe stretched wide. I've never taken someone as big as you," he admitted. "But I know I can. I want to."
"It hasn't even been forty-eight hours since you got out of the hospital, Cam. Let me baby you a bit more."
I fell asleep with him wrapped safely in my arms, completely oblivious to the hell he would rein down on me today. He's been almost behaved today, only doing a light yoga routine and working on some easier parts of his choreography. I fucking love watching him dance, and I don't want to talk about the things it does to me when he stretches out across that barre. He knows, though. I know he does. His devilish little ass stretched for a good, long time before walking over to me and planting a sweet, chaste kiss on my cheek.
"I'm going to take a shower," he said, and then just walked out of the studio. I knew he was up to something.
So when his perfect, naked self walks out of the bathroom, I'm expecting it. What I'm not expecting is for him to look at an imaginary watch and announce, "It's been forty-eight hours. You can fuck me now."
I think my jaw is still on the floor when he crawls up the bed like a jungle cat and plucks my book from my hands. He tosses it on the makeshift end table and then makes himself at home in my lap. My hands automatically come to his thighs, brushing up and down his soft skin as he rolls his hips and rocks against me. My fingers dig into his skin, kneading the muscles of his thighs and ass, completely entranced by the way he throws his head back and moans as he rocks on me.
My cock took notice the moment I smelled vanilla and then saw him standing outside the bathroom door, but now I'm hard as steel and desperate for him.
"It's not that I don't want to fuck you," I pant, sucking in a breath at the mere thought. "Fuck, I want to. Believe me, I want it so bad it hurts." That’s not an exaggeration. My balls actually ache just thinking about it.
"But?" he whimpers.
"But there's no part of hurting you that turns me on. And I can't imagine that it wouldn't hurt."
"We'll go slow, and I'll tell you if I can't handle it."
"I don't think you would," I say pointedly, wrapping my hand around his cock and watching my fist slide up and down his long, thin length. "I think about how it would feel to push my cock inside your tiny hole, and I feel unhinged. Just the thought of how tightly you'd squeeze around me…" I press my hips up, grinding my cock against him. My shudder drives home just how badly I really do want it. "It feels violent. I'm afraid I might lose control entirely. I'd always stop if you told me to, but I worry that you'd just take it even if it hurt." After everything he's been through, all the abuse he's taken, he might feel compelled not to say anything. "I'd never forgive myself for hurting you, but I don't think I know how not to hurt you, because I've never… you know, done this before."
Cam lowers himself to kiss me, clearly disappointed, but there's also something else in his expression. Something emotional that I can't quite read. "You're unlike anyone I've ever been with, Dom."
"Yeah?" I say teasingly.
"All the other straight boys I’ve been with just wanted to take me for a ride, try me on for size, and move on. But you just want to kiss me and make me feel good," he says, peppering my lips and jaw with kisses. "It makes me want to scream in frustration and cry of happiness all at the same time. I don't know what to do with you."
"I know what you can do with me," I mumble, almost incoherent with need for this man.He hums, and I sit up, holding him close to speak low against the shell of his ear. "Youcould fuckme," I say.
Cam goes completely still. He blinks, apparently needing an extra moment to process what I just said. It didn't occur to me, when I made the decision that I'd be okay letting him top me, that it might not be something that he would want or appreciate.Shit.I should have asked if that's something he'd be into.
"I-If you want to, I mean. You don't have to, obviously. We can just keep doing what we've been doing, and?—"
Cam cuts me off with a hand over my mouth. He stares down at me with wide eyes, so bright they're almost leaf green in the light of the late afternoon sun. "You're serious?" With his hand still firmly planted over my mouth, I nod. I smile underneath his palm, then lick his hand. It doesn't deter him. "Because I'll do it, Dom. I'll fuck you so good, you'll be surprised a little guy like me is making you feel so good."
I shake his hand off. "You already make me feel good," I tell him, then kiss him until I've got him on his back beneath me. He's already naked, so we work together to get my tank top, athletic shorts, and underwear off.
"Do you have condoms?" he asks, wasting no time pulling my ass to the edge of the mattress and placing a pillow on the ground for his knees.