Page 8 of Off Balance
"Always. What remains to be seen is how seriousyouare. I don't accept anyone but the best and I don't give second chances."
Things happened quickly after that.I nailed my audition, but my official invitation to join the company came with caveats. I had to quit my job dancing at the club, despite the contract being an unpaid internship. And I was expected to "maintain a semblanceof discretion and dignity" when it came to my “lifestyle” outside the company.
Training started right away, and the schedule left little room for anything other than training, workouts, rehearsals, and performances. Since I was rarely home, I agreed to move in with Dwayne to offset losing two out of three of my income streams. I kept my part-time job teaching at the community center because I love it too much to give it up. Most of those classes run during the off season, so I think I can make it work.
Now that I'm rising to principal dancer, I'll get a raise, though I haven't pushed to ask when that's happening. I haven’t had to worry about money much. Emile pretty much pays for everything when we’re together, and I don’t have to pay rent.
Emile took a personal interest in my training and choreography. We spent so much time together in the beginning that we grew close and eventually, one thing led to another. It’s about so much more than sex, though. I appreciate how hard he drives me towards perfection, and I'll never be able to thank him enough for the opportunity he's given me.
I know what the other dancers think of me. When I was called up to take Heath's place as principal on the last production, I saw the looks they gave me. There is no doubt in my mind that they think I slept my way to the top, but I know I earned this position on hard work and talent alone.
It only took the opening night performance to convince Marissa, my stage partner, that I deserved my spot. And with every rehearsal and performance since, she's done her best to help me prove to the others that I didn't get here from my knees. I train harder and practice longer than anyone else, and I keep striving for better. More.
"Yourfouettéwas sloppy there."
Emile’s voice startles me. I wasn't paying attention, lost in my thoughts and letting my body naturally move to the music.
"Oh. Hi," I say breathlessly. "I didn't see you there."
"What are you doing?" His accent sometimes makes him come off judgmental. I've learned to tamp down the defensiveness I felt the first night we met.
"Just playing around." I turn off my music, then grab my towel and wipe the sweat from my face before walking over to kiss his cheek. "What are you doing here on your day off?" I ask, smiling. I'd told him I'd be here today, not wanting to skip a day of workouts, even on our rare days off. So I assume he's here to see me.
"Do you really think you have time for new choreography? Especially with yourextracurricularpastimes?"
That's what he calls my teaching job. He thinks it's beneath me to teach small children from underprivileged neighborhoods. I’ve told him how much I love it, and he'll understand when he sees for himself. I’m always trying to get him to visit a class or come to a recital so he can see what's so important and special about these kids, and he’ll get to see where I got my start as a dancer.
"What's got you so grumpy today?"
"Heath," he says flatly, with an air of annoyance. "He's suing me for wrongful termination."
"On what grounds? He's the one that didn't show up to the opening performance that he was supposed to be the lead for."
Emile hums noncommittally. "He's accusing me of harassment and creating a hostile work environment."
"I'd say it was the other way around," I remark, placing my hands on his shoulders. As usual, he seems unaffected, outside of being annoyed. My display of affection is more for me than for him.
Heath hated me, even more so once Emile made me his understudy. He often accused me of trying to take his spot as principal through my relationship with our producer. But I’ve only ever been professional. It was never me that pursued the relationship, not after I figured out who he was and got the chance to audition. And certainly not after I got my foot in the door. It was only after everyone already thought we were sleeping together that I broke down and allowed anything to happen. Why fight it? Emile had given me so much, and other than being the best dancer I could be for him, how else could I show my gratitude?
"He was jealous."
I smile up at him and lean in for a kiss, but Emile steps away. My frown is replaced by confusion when he takes me by the wrist and pulls me to his office. He leans back against the frosted glass once the door is closed and unzips his grey dress pants. I'm still reeling from the change in attitude and worried about the location he chose for this. Our bodies cast a clear silhouette against the frosted glass. If anyone walks by, they’ll easily guess what is happening in here. Still, I sink to my knees when he pushes my shoulders down.
"Heath was jealous because he knew you are a star," he says, holding my face to look up at him. I open my mouth the way I know he wants me to, and he guides himself inside. "You aremystar."
Emile uses my mouth, groaning when I hollow out my cheeks to suck him harder. His orgasm builds fast, and part of me is glad for it, so there's less chance of getting caught.
I push my hand into my leggings to adjust and stroke myself, but he taps my shoulder.
"Don't," he croaks. "You'll make a mess."
Emile is particular about his spaces. The floors in his office and home are carpeted in hand-tufted, plush wool. It would be embarrassing for both of us to ask the cleaners to get rid of cum stains. I pull my hand out of my pants, but still stroke myself through the tight fabric of my leggings as Emile finishes in my mouth.
I swallow it all down, standing to kiss along his jaw. He pulls away reflexively. "I don't like that," he snaps.
“I wasn’t going to kiss you on the mouth,” I say with a light laugh. I press my lips to his neck. My hand rubs along my bulge, content to come in my pants since I'll be heading to the shower after this, anyway.