Page 96 of Off Balance
Oh fuck.
Gripping his hips tighter, I work him up and down, thrusting my hips up. Heat unfurls at the base of my spine, tendrils of spine-tingling pleasure radiating out. My cock pulses and erupts, shooting deep inside as I pull Cam down hard on my cock and hold him there, rocking into him while I take over working his cock. I pump him hard and fast, until he comes with a shout and his tight ass milks the last drops of cum from my body.
When we've come down enough from the aftershocks, I carefully lift Cam off my cock, watching in rapture as a trickle of white drips out of his gaping ass.
"Fuck me," I rasp, tracing a drop of my fluids down his inner thigh and pushing it back inside him.
"Oh, I plan to," he says tiredly, collapsing over the edge of the couch to rest while I'm still playing with him.
"You're mine now, tiny dancer."
“I always have been.”
Dom's win against Bo Hoyt makes history for the most watched boxing match in the network's history. People across the world paid to watch one of their favorites come back and show up one of the most hated personalities in professional sports. It wasn't until afterwards that Dom realized just how much people were rooting for him. Hoyt might have been the favorite to win the fight, but Dom was the winner they wanted to see. And when he threw that last punch, the whole world felt vindicated for the sucker punch that happened ten years ago.
Because Dom is so loved, I think people are coming around to the idea of me being on his arm instead of a big-busted actress or underwear model. I still don't want to be part of a media frenzy, but I appreciate the importance of the world seeing a professional athlete, especially someone as stereotypically manly as Dom, be out and proud publicly. He never ceases to amaze me by the way he's never questioned himself over being with a man, even though he admitted he's only ever been attracted to women before. The connection between us is too strong to question.
After a day of pampering in the hotel spa, we head out to experience Las Vegas to the fullest. We do a bunch of touristy stuff on the strip, gamble, and seeCirque du Soleil. I may or may not have been photographed giving Dom a lap dance in a strip club. The only thing I think we didn't make time for was getting married by Elvis, but there's always our next visit. I definitely want to come back, but there's a lot waiting for us at home.
Emile Alistar is being formally charged with multiple counts of assault, extortion, embezzlement, criminal conspiracy, and a short list of other offenses he's been caught with after the people around him fell like dominos to take plea deals for themselves. Mark and Theo are being charged with multiple accounts of assault as well, although they were able to negotiate a lesser sentencing for testifying against Emile. Heath took a plea to accept extortion charges with no jail time for his testimony and turning over the proof that Emile was recording all of his dancers in secret, including in the bathrooms, showers, and changing rooms. Emile's secretary also came forward to speak up about Emile embezzling money from the company, as well as his patterns of abuse for dancers under his employ.Even the costume director spoke up, sending me a personal apology for his part in Emile’s games. I can’t fault him for taking in my costumes when it was Emile forcing him to do it.
It's a shame to seeDe Pointe Eliteclose, because it was the one thing positive that Emile Alistar brought into this world. At least all the dancers will have a chance to find better employment now that they aren't trapped under Emile's threats.
I was finally able to get my things from the building. With my personal effects, I found the envelope with my application to The World Ballet Competition, as well as the letter of recommendation that Emile tried to ply me with. Technically,I could still use it to make my name stand out in the pile of applicants, but I put it through the shredder in Dwayne's office instead.
Dwayne and Dom are speaking again, and after seeing the way Dom defended and cared for me after I was attacked, he's softened his edges towards our relationship. I wouldn't say he approves by any means, but I'm hoping that he'll come around with time. My mother saw something in him the night I spent in the hospital and has given us her blessing. Not because she thinks I need it, but because she wants me to know she supports and trusts my decisions.
I know we'll still have challenges and hardships ahead of us—it would be foolish to expect everything to be smooth sailing from here on out. But I think that we've both faced the hardest challenges of our lives, and we've done it together. That alone makes me believe we can get through anything life throws at us.
The light is dim in the studio, a simple backlighting highlighting the somber but sensual tones of the music and choreography. I'm dressed simply, nearly naked without being scandalous. It was Dom's idea to wear only a pair of nude dance shorts and drape a sheer, gauzy fabric over my body. The material is light and airy and wraps perfectly around my torso when I spin. The effect is simple and yet accentuates my movements in the lighting.
With Dom watching me, I move through the choreography, his stare making the rhythm and lyrics soak into my bones. I feel every extension, every beat. He becomes my sole focus when I should really be performing for the camera. I'll probably have torerecord without him in the room, but for now, I thrive on the weight of his eyes on me.
Domenick Connor makes me feel sexy, and confident, and capable of taking on the world.
With his eyes on me, the emotions of the piece bleed out of me. My legs extend for miles with the pointe shoes, and I leap higher, reach further, than I ever have before. The meaning of the dance is palpable. The sensuality oozes into the thick atmosphere of the room, making it feel humid and tense with the boundless passion we have for each other.
This dance is me falling in love with the one person I could never have, with the one person who never should have looked at me twice. This dance is our journey through the push and pull of temptation, of lust, and finally succumbing to love. It's my reluctance to let anyone in or believe that anyone could give to me selflessly. It's the strength of Dom's love that overrode the strength of his body. It's him trusting himself to love me completely and without boundaries.
This dance is us. Our story.
And when the last note of the music dies out, the story keeps going. More steps are added as Dom walks towards me, picking me up and wrapping me around him because he just can't stand to not be connected to me for another moment.
"Watching you dance will never cease to amaze and arouse me," he says, walking me to the barre. I slide down his body and turn around, watching us in the mirror.
Dom's fingers glide down my arm and guides my hand to hold the barre. He trails kisses down my neck and back, slowly kneeling behind me to unwind the sheer fabric strip of my shortsand dance belt. He kisses every inch of me while I watch him in the mirror, my cock growing hard at the sight of him on his knees for me. He kisses around my hip to my navel, dipping his tongue inside as his hand comes between my legs, lifting my leg to drape it over his shoulder. He looks up at me, sucking two fingers into his mouth, and I have to tear my eyes away to take a mental picture of our reflection. My hand on the barre, back curved slightly, one pointe shoe draped over Dom's strong back. The contrast of our sweat slicked skin, my pale to his dark. My petite frame hovering over his stronger one, gripping the back of his neck. The power he gives me is an aphrodisiac like I've never experienced before.
Two fingers press inside me at the same time the suction of his mouth surrounds my length, and I arch further into him, gasping his name. I fall back to lean against the barre, my back curving over it with arms outstretched and gripping it on either side. Mewling as he strokes my prostate, Dom shows me no mercy, adding a third and then a fourth finger. He takes my cock all the way into the back of his throat, not coming up for breath until I'm spilling into his mouth. He sucks me clean, but doesn't swallow, instead turning me to face the barre again, lifting my leg to stretch out over the barre.
Hot, wet cum and saliva fall from his mouth, dripping from the top of my ass and through the cleft. Dom pulls his cock and a packet of lube from his shorts. Making quick work of slicking himself up, he enters me as I'm folded over in a deep stretch.
"I've thought about doing this since the very first time I saw you stretch your leg out along this barre," he says, slowly working his thick cock inside me. I groan loudly and start to pant as he fills me entirely.
So fucking full.