Page 21 of Furry Equations
“Start what, dear? I’m simply asking about your new employer.”
Natalie sat up straighter, suspicion creeping in. “Okay, who are you and what have you done with my mother? Normally by now you’d be telling me about some brilliant neurosurgeon’s son who’d be perfect for me.”
“Oh, I’m done with all that matchmaking nonsense,” Eleanor said breezily. “You’re a grown woman. You can manage your own love life.”
“Now I’m really worried.” Natalie narrowed her eyes at the phone. “Are you feeling okay? Should I call Dad?”
Eleanor laughed. “Can’t a mother simply want to hear about her daughter’s day?”
“A mother, yes. You? No. You once tried to set me up with?—“
“That’s all in the past now,” Eleanor said dismissively. “Tell me more about Marcus Vale. Lillian mentioned he’s quite protective of you.”
Natalie picked at a loose thread on her sweater. “There are some... security concerns with my research. He’s just being cautious.”
“Mh-mm. And does this caution usually involve him staring at you like—what was it Lillian said? Ah yes, like he wants to devour you whole?”
“Oh my God.” Natalie covered her face with a throw pillow. “I’m going to kill my sister.”
“Don’t be dramatic, dear. Though speaking of dramatic, is it true he growled at the waiter who got too close to your table?”
“He did not—“ Natalie paused, remembering a low rumble she’d heard when the overly friendly server had leaned in to refill her wine. “Okay, maybe there was a small growl. But that’s just... it’s a shifter thing.”
“A shifter thing?” Eleanor’s voice perked up with interest. “How fascinating. You know, I treated a shifter patient once. Remarkable healing abilities. And such strong protective instincts, especially toward their m?—“
“Mom,” Natalie cut her off. “Whatever you’re thinking, stop. Marcus is my boss. And I just met him.”
“I’m not thinking anything,” Eleanor said innocently. “Though since you brought it up...”
“I didn’t bring it up. You did.”
“Well, since we’re on the subject?—“
“We’re not.”
“—I just want you to know that if something were to develop between you and Marcus, your father and I would be completely supportive.”
Natalie sat up straight. “Okay, now I know something’s going on. Since when do you not have an opinion about my love life? Or a list of eligible bachelors you want me to meet?”
“I told you, I’m done with matchmaking.”
“Right. And I’m done with scientific research to become a professional juggler.”
Eleanor sighed. “Can’t a mother simply want her daughter to be happy?”
“Not when that mother is you,” Natalie said bluntly. “What are you planning?”
“Nothing! Though... hypothetically speaking, if you were interested in Marcus...”
“Which you clearly are...”
“I’m just saying, a mother notices these things. The way you talk about him, the little smile in your voice?—“