Page 29 of Furry Equations
“Marcus tells us you’re making remarkable progress with your research,” Alexander said during a lull in conversation. “He’s quite impressed by your work.”
“And not just her work,” Sheri stage-whispered. “Yesterday, he smiled. Twice. In meetings.”
“It’s a sign of the apocalypse,” Emily announced, finally arriving in a whirlwind of curly hair and tech gadgets. “Sorry I’m late. The toaster threatened to go on strike if I didn’t hear their demands.”
“Emily,” Marcus warned, but his sister was already pulling up a chair next to Natalie.
“So you’re the famous Dr. Grant. The one who made my brother wear navy and learn to text with actual words instead of grunt-themed emojis.”
Natalie choked on her wine. “Grunt-themed emojis?”
“He had a whole system,” Emily explained cheerfully. “One grunt meant ‘yes,’ two grunts meant ‘no,’ three grunts meant ‘I’m too alpha to use actual words.’”
“I did not—“ Marcus started.
“Would you like to see the screenshots?” Emily pulled out her phone.
“Children,” Victoria intervened smoothly, though her eyes sparkled with amusement. “Perhaps we could discuss the holiday gathering next month? Natalie, dear, you must join us. It’s quite an event—the whole pack comes together to celebrate.”
Natalie’s spoon paused halfway to her mouth. “The whole pack?”
“Mother,” Marcus’s voice carried a note of warning. “It’s a bit early for pack celebrations.”
“Nonsense. Natalie’s practically?—“
“More wine?” Marcus cut in quickly, reaching for the bottle.
Victoria subsided with a knowing smile that made Natalie’s cheeks heat. Marcus’s hand tightened on hers under the table, and she wondered what Victoria had been about to say. What was she “practically”? Part of the family? His girlfriend? His mate? The uncertainty made her head spin.
“So, Natalie,” Alexander leaned forward, his eyes twinkling. “Has our son told you about the time he tried to alpha-command a squirrel?”
“Dad,” Marcus groaned. “Really?”
“He was six,” Victoria jumped in eagerly. “So serious about being future alpha. He stood in the backyard for hours, trying to make the squirrel come down from the tree.”
“It was a tactical training exercise,” Marcus muttered.
“The squirrel won,” Emily stage-whispered.
“Thoroughly,” Sheri added. “With extreme prejudice and excellent aim.”
“I have video,” Emily offered.
“You were three!” Marcus protested. “How do you have video?”
“I’m very technologically advanced.” Emily winked at Natalie. “Also, security cameras have excellent backup systems.”
As dinner progressed, Natalie found herself relaxing into the warmth of family dynamics. Victoria kept their plates full of exceptional food while Alexander shared stories of Marcus’s childhood. The sisters tag-teamed embarrassing anecdotes, and through it all, Marcus’s thumb never stopped its gentle circles on her palm.
“I’ve never brought anyone to family dinner before,” Marcus murmured in her ear as Victoria disappeared to fetch dessert.
“So I heard.” Natalie turned to study his profile, gathering her courage. “Why me?”
His eyes met hers, intense and honest. “Because you’re different. Special.” His voice dropped lower. “Because I can’t imagine not having you in my life.”
The admission hung between them, weighted with possibility. Natalie’s heart raced, and judging by his slight smile, he could hear it perfectly.