Page 34 of Furry Equations
She shook her head, but he caught the fondness in her expression. “I should freshen up before the award presentation.” She glanced at her watch. “Try not to start any territorial disputes while I’m gone?”
“No promises.”
He watched her walk away, his enhanced hearing picking up the slight acceleration of her heart rate. She disappeared down the hallway toward the ladies’ room, and he positioned himself where he could monitor the approach.
Movement caught his eye as Natalie’s research assistant, Vanessa, intercepted her. Marcus’s muscles coiled as he observed their interaction, noting the growing agitation in Vanessa’s body language.
“Why can’t I access your files?” Vanessa’s voice carried an edge of desperation. “I’m your assistant. I should have access.”
“Nobody touches my work without explicit permission,” Natalie replied firmly. “You know that, Vanessa.”
“But I’ve always had access before. What changed?”
“Everything changed when my formula was altered. I’m not taking any chances.”
Vanessa’s face darkened. “You don’t trust me?”
“I don’t trust anyone with this research. Not until I understand exactly what I’ve created.”
Marcus watched as Vanessa stormed off, his suspicions about her involvement growing stronger. He maintained his position near the ladies’ room, every instinct screaming that something was wrong.
Minutes later, a figure burst out of the door, moving too fast for casual departure. The sharp copper scent of blood hit Marcus’s nose like a punch to the gut. He rushed inside, his heart stopping at the sight of Natalie swaying on her feet, her hands stained crimson.
“Someone—“ She steadied herself against the wall, her designer dress spattered with red. “A knife. I grabbed it and—“ She gestured to her bloody hands, her voice shaking.
Marcus pulled her close, his world narrowing to the sound of her heartbeat, the proof she was alive. “Are you hurt?” His hands roamed over her, checking for injuries.
“No, it’s their blood. Self-defense classes…” She tried to smile but it trembled. “Turns out they’re pretty useful.”
He crushed her to his chest, breathing in her scent beneath the sharp tang of blood. The wolf in him howled for vengeance, but the man needed to get her safe first. “We’re leaving. Now.”
He wrapped an arm around her waist, supporting her as he led her toward the service exit. He fired off a quick text to Jax, knowing his security team would cover their departure.
The back hallway was dimly lit, their footsteps echoing off the marble floors. Marcus’s senses were on overdrive, catalogingevery sound and movement. They were almost to the exit when he caught an unfamiliar scent—multiple scents.
The attack came from all sides. Six men in tactical gear emerged from the shadows, their movements coordinated and precise. Marcus pushed Natalie behind him as Jax and another security team member appeared through the door.
“Shift!” Marcus commanded, his own body already changing. His bones cracked and reformed, fur sprouting as he launched himself at the nearest attacker. His wolf form was massive, midnight black fur bristling as he tore through the tactical gear with deadly precision.
The fight was brutal and fast. Marcus felt knives slice into his flesh, but his wolf’s fury drove him forward. These men had dared to threaten his mate—they would pay in blood. He fought like a demon, all teeth and claws and primal rage. Each attacker that fell was one less threat to Natalie, one less danger to the woman who had become his whole world.
When the last attacker fell, Marcus shifted back immediately. Jax was already pulling emergency duffel bags from the SUV’s trunk, tossing sweats to Marcus and the other security team member who’d shifted.
“Always prepared,” Jax called out, keeping his back turned to give them privacy as they dressed.
Marcus pulled on the black sweats quickly, his movements precise despite his injuries. The knife wounds burned, healing slower in his human form, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. His only thought was getting to Natalie.
“Marcus, you’re hurt.” She reached for him, her face pale with concern as she took in the gashes across his chest.
“I’ll heal.” He pulled her close, breathing in her scent. His hands shook as he cupped her face. “Are you okay? Did they touch you?”
“I’m fine. But you’re bleeding?—“
“I’m fine” He pressed his forehead to hers. “I thought... when I smelled blood and found you in there...” His voice broke.
She stretched up, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “I’m okay. You saved me.”
“Always.” He kissed her properly then, pouring all his fear and relief and love into it. “I’ll always save you.”