Page 66 of Furry Equations
He grinned. “Seems like you managed to focus just fine. On other things.”
“You’re impossible.” But her smile betrayed her. “And we really do need to finish the security protocols. Tomlinson won’t wait just because we’re enjoying mate-pair bonding research.”
The reminder of the threat sobered him. “About that. I want you moved into the penthouse until this is over.”
“Hear me out.” He caught her hands before she could launch into what would undoubtedly be a scientific explanation of why she didn’t need protection. “Your apartment isn’t secure enough. The penthouse has state-of-the-art security, direct lab access, and me.”
“And the fact that having me there would calm your alpha instincts has nothing to do with it?”
“Maybe a little.” He stroked his thumbs over her palms. “Is that such a bad thing?”
She studied him for a long moment. “You’re not going to relax until I agree, are you?”
“Probably not.”
“Fine.” She poked his chest. “But I pick the security team. No overbearing alphas breathing down my neck.”
“What aboutthisoverbearing alpha?” He pulled her closer.
“You’re a special case.” Her fingers played with his shirt buttons. “I’ve grown oddly attached.”
“Oddly attached?” He raised an eyebrow. “That’s very scientific of you.”
“Would you prefer ‘hopelessly infatuated’? ‘Inexplicably besotted’? I have a whole thesaurus of terms.”
“How about ‘in love’?”
Her breath caught. They still hadn’t said the words directly to each other. But watching her create miracles in her lab, seeing her brilliant mind at work, feeling her trust as she let him protect her... Marcus was done waiting.
“That’s...” She swallowed hard. “Very unscientific.”
“True though.”
“You can’t just say things like that when I’m trying to be rational about security protocols.”
“Can’t help it.” He cupped her face. “You are everything I want. Brilliant mind, brave heart, impossible stubbornness and all.”
Tears spilled down her cheeks. “That’s not fair.”
“What’s not fair?”
“Making me cry with beautiful words when I’m trying to maintain scientific objectivity.”
He brushed away her tears with his thumbs. “Sweetheart, you lost scientific objectivity around me weeks ago.”
“I did not! I’ll have you know my observation protocols were entirely professional until you started doing that thing with your voice and looking at me like that and being all protective and perfect and... oh God, I really did lose objectivity, didn’t I?”
Marcus laughed softly. “Afraid so.”
“This is terrible.” But she wound her arms around his neck. “My scientific credibility is ruined. I’m completely compromised. All my data is suspect.”
“Years of training, undone by one overprotective alpha with unfairly attractive genetics.”