Page 23 of Bad Call
“Bullshit! You would have paid, I know you.”
“Do you?” he asked silkily. His kissable lips pulled up at the corners in a little half smile. “Then you know I’m not paying that check.”
“If I pay for you, then this feels like a date.” Baylor laughed softly. “This isn’t a date, Blue!”
“Of course not. We’re just two guys having dinner together, and one of us is paying.” He leaned across the small table and whispered, “And it’s not me.” He followed it with a wink that made me want to choke him.
In a huff, I slapped my credit card down and busied my hands with my drink so I wouldn’t be tempted to wrap them around his thick throat.
He sat back, looking satisfied and smug. “Thank you for your generosity.”
I swear to God, if he pushes me, I’ll?—
“We should do this again. According to the schedule, neither of us has a game on Thursday night. Want to join me for dinner?”
The fucking nerve of this guy! “No, why would I want to do this again?”
“Because you enjoyed it. Because eating alone sucks. We could call it the Lonely Bachelor’s Dinner Club.”
“No, we fucking can’t. That’s ridiculous. I’m not lonely. I enjoy my privacy.”
“Oh, sure. Especially when you wear my ugly boxers to bed and text me after midnight. Not lonely at all, just… enjoying your privacy?”
Fuck him. He was right. “They aren’tyourboxers.”
Baylor chuckled infuriatingly. “Sure, Coach. Whatever you say.”
That word coming from his disobedient lips makes my cock kick. A touch of respect, of formality, and I forgot all about whose fucking boxers they were. I wanted to hear him say it again. Preferably while naked, on his knees, looking up at me as he begged for my cock.
Please, Coach, let me suck your dick.
Jesus, I had to get out of here quickly before I embarrassed myself. Discreetly, I rearranged my dick and stood. “Next Thursday it is.”
“Great! Let’s get ice cream. I’ve got a craving for something sweet.”
“Baylor, I made it clear this isn’t a date.”
“And I heard you loud and clear,” he insisted patiently, almost as if explaining it to a child. “But I like sweets, and again, eating alone sucks.” As I considered it, he pushed me. “My treat this time.”
The ice cream place was a short distance from the restaurant, so we walked. Baylor stepped up to the counter.
“Cherry chocolate chip and a rum raisin, please,” he ordered.
Surprised and confused, I asked, “How’d you know that?”
Baylor smiled wolfishly. “I could tell you, butit’s so much more fun to let you sit and suffer, wondering how and what else I might know about you.”
Damn this man! So. Fucking. Infuriating.
“What else do you know?”
Baylor laughed and swiped his tongue through his cherry ice cream in a way that was supposed to remind me how talented his tongue was.
Like I could forget.
Everything this man did made my cock hard. Maybe I was just horny and needed to get laid. Then he wouldn’t affect me so easily.
I’d tried, I really had, thinking I was going to bury my dick in Andrew tonight. But since Andrew turned out to be the worst possible choice, I was going home with a full load in my balls.Again.