Page 26 of Bad Call
He was gone before Marcus could protest again. Leaning back against the couch, I laughed.
“Laugh all you want, but you’re the one who has tocome over here to get a taste of life because yours is lacking. Your time will come.”
“My time for what? Letting a little goody two-shoes like Austin lead me around by the balls? Not going to happen, friend.”
“We’ll see about that,” Marcus predicted. “Sounds to me like change is coming for you hard and fast, and I have a feeling it’s going to be a fucking mess.”
What the fuck did he know? “Oh, yeah?”
“It always is with you, Baylor,” he answered smugly.
By the time we finished watching the game, Austin still hadn’t returned. I walked into the kitchen and peeked through the window at the two boys in the hot tub. Marcus joined me, reaching into the fridge for a drink.
“It doesn’t bother you how he’s practically naked with that Wild kid?”
Marcus chuffed. “Wild’s harmless. For the most part,” he amended.
I looked again. “You sure about that?”
Marcus glanced out the window. His expression changed, and he moved to the door, sticking his head out. “Hands above the water, boys!”
“Sorry, Coach.”
“Yes, Sir.”
I doubled over with laughter. They had him so wrapped around their fingers it was ridiculous. I’d never let a brat twist me like that.
Marcus grumbled. “He’s a good kid, if a little headstrong.”
“You’re not worried he’s going to try something with Austin?”
“I’m sure he already has,” Marcus admitted, smirking. “Someday, Penn and I will probably let the boys play—as long as we’re there—but until then, we do our best to remind them to keep their hands to themselves.”
“Wow, that’s some kinky shit, my friend.” Was I the only guy in existence who wasn’t turned on by a twenty-year age gap?
Marcus grinned. “Just takes trust in your partner, which Austin and I have. The rest is icing on the cake.”
I’d love to have that kind of trust in someone. I couldn’t picture it, though. Maybe someday.
“Have you seen that new guy?”
“The ump? How could you miss him?”
As I entered the athletics department, I saw the staff gathered around Candice’s desk. As the receptionist, her desk seemed to be gossip central for the rest of the staff. She was huddled with Mark, the athletic director for both the men’s and women’s swim and track teams, and Sandra, the Director of Public Relations for the entire athletic departments. I skirted them and made my way to the wall of mailboxes to check my cubby.
“He ishot.” She stressed the word hot, and I could imagine she was burning herself.
“Hot doesn’t begin to describe him. The way he fills out those pants, and that shirt, my God.”
“What’s his name? Something Buchanan?”
I tensed, realizing they were talking about Baylor. My mood went from pleasant to sour in the blink of an eye. Why did it even bother me at all? Who cared if theythought he was hot? He was. It wasn’t like we were dating. I couldn’t even stand him most of the time.
“I think it’s Brian or something.”