Page 32 of Saint
The moment she reached the bedroom, she tried to shut the door on him. His hand caught it, slammed it open and she raced over to the bed, trying to keep her distance.
Up until now, she hadn’t really been scared of him. Not truly. But the ferocious look on his face, the steam practically pouring out his ears, warned her to tread lightly. She didn’t believe he’d actually hurt her, though.
At least, she didn’t think so.
For being so big, Nik moved fast. He reached the bed in two long strides, grabbed her wrist and handcuffed her to the bed frame. Dammit, why had she not seen that move coming?
“You are not leaving this cabin. I forbid it,” he hissed.
Instead of fighting back, knowing it was a lost cause and would only anger him more, she bit her lip and remembered the key in her pocket.Bide your time, Mia.She tilted her chin up and narrowed her eyes. And the bastard smiled at her.
“Put your claws away, kitten,” he murmured. “I’m going to Moscow to deal with Petrov and you’re staying here. Your babysitter is already on the way.”
“Babysitter?” she echoed.
“Nadia is coming to keep an eye on you. I suggest you don’t try her patience,” he added wryly.
She huffed, not sure if she was more annoyed that he was leaving her there, or who he was leaving her with. And a babysitter? Really? She was a twenty-four-year-old woman who didn’t need to be locked up with someone watching her like a hawk. “What if I have to go to the bathroom?”
He shrugged a shoulder. “You wanna bucket?”
“You are the biggest asshole I’ve ever met,” she seethed.
“You ain’t seen nothin’ yet, Goldilocks.” He turned around and walked to the door, then paused and looked over his shoulder. “Behave, Mia, or I will spank that pretty ass of yours when I get back.”
Her belly fluttered. Why did the idea of his hand on her ass make her tremble? “Don’t you dare die and leave me here alone with Nadia!” she snapped.
“You know what to do if I don’t come back—call Pharaoh.”
The first trickle of worry cut through her. He had to come back. “How am I supposed to reach the phone?” she asked, jangling the cuff.
“I have no doubt you’ll find a way,” he replied dryly.
Her heart jackhammered. Did he know she had the key? Not much got past the big brute.
“And Nadia will unlock you as long as you behave.”
He walked out and she fell back against the headboard with a frustrated sigh. In the next room, she could hear him moving around and it wasn’t long until a car pulled up outside. A moment later she heard Nadia’s voice and what sounded like duffel bags hitting the floor.
Mia strained to hear their conversation, but it was low and muffled, and she was pretty damn sure in Russian. After a minute or so, the front door opened and closed again, and the sound of a car’s engine filled the air, eventually fading away.
Dammit.There was nothing she could do except wait for Nik to return.
He was gone.
Nadia appeared in the doorway and dropped the duffel bags they’d left in the SUV after sliding off the road. She placed a hand on her hip. “Nik told me you have the key,” she said. “So, feel free to come out and join me for coffee.”
Mia felt her cheeks burn. So much for staying a step ahead of Nik—he’d been two steps ahead of her the entire time. She supposed she shouldn’t be surprised.
Reaching into her pocket, she pulled the key out and unlocked her wrist. She had so many questions and Nik had already refused to answer her most burning ones. Maybe Nadia would be willing to shed some light on him and the situation.
Tossing the cuffs, she slid off the bed, walked into the next room and found Nadia sitting on the couch in front of the roaring fire. Determined to get some answers, Mia walked over and sat down beside her. Nadia nodded to the steaming mug on the table and Mia reached for it.
“I’m not a babysitter and don’t plan on fighting you. So, if you want to leave, then go.” Nadia took a sip of her coffee. “But if you stay and make my life easy, I might be able to answer your questions. Knowing Nikolai, I assume he’s told you very little. And, fair warning, a blizzard is coming so you wouldn’t get very far before freezing to death.”
Mia shivered, not wanting to ever be as cold as she was the other night. As all thoughts of running away fled from her mind, she leaned closer, beyond curious about the man who made her feel so many things. “What’s his real name? Everyone calls him something different.”