Page 57 of Primal
“Finnigan Shay Evans,” Father O’Flaherty admonishes me from beyond the lattice screen.
“I’m kidding, Father. Well, sort of.” I laugh, knowing he probably doesn’t remotely appreciate my humor. Father O’Flaherty clears his throat, he’s definitely not amused with me, and prompts me to continue. “It has been far too long since my last confession.”
“Tell me your sins, son,” he prompts.
I ramble through my lesser sins, informing Father O’Flaherty of my vulgar mouth and my occasional excessive consumption of alcohol.
“I won’t go into detail, Father, but I have imbibed in carnal sins,”—a lot of fucking carnal sins—“for which I have no remorse or guilt.”
Especially not the fuck we had in the shower this morning as I got ready to head over here.
Focus, Finn.
“While it was just and deserved, I have taken lives. Several of them.”
“And do you feel remorse for having taken a soul?”
“No,” I answer honestly. “They were soulless men, and I would do it again. Iwilldo it again if I need to protect my family.”
Father O’Flaherty lets out a heavy sigh from behind the lattice screen separating us.
“My biggest sin of all is corrupting an innocent, for which I do not have an ounce of guilt,” I confess, my heart picking up and a rush of adrenaline coursing through me. “I love her more than life itself, and I want to make that commitment to her before God.”
The other side of the confessional is silent.
“I want to marry her and make her my wife, but I will not do it without your permission.”
The wood floor creaks on the other side of the thin wall, and the door to Father O’Flaherty’s side of the confessional slams shut.
What the hell?
He’s allowed to just walk out of my confession?
Quickly rising to my feet, I open my door to find Father O’Flaherty standing on the other side.
“I want to tell you no,” he informs me. Walking away from me he takes a seat in the nearest pew as he rambles, “I don’t think you’re good for her. You are a criminal and a relentless sinner. The lifestyle that you and your family leads clearly puts her in so much danger. In the short time you have known her, you have completely corrupted the sweet little girl I raised.”
I follow him, taking the seat beside him, and mutter, “I know.”
“As much as I hate to admit it,” he continues, “I have never seen Catlin as happy as she is when she’s with you. It is also very clear to me that you—and your family—will go through any lengths necessary to keep her safe.”
“We will,” I agree. “My brothers would lay down their lives for her as quickly as I would.”
“I want to tell you no, Finnigan,” he reiterates his stance. “But I’m going to put my faith in God. As much as it pains me to admit, in some convoluted grand plan that I’m not privy to, I believe he brought you into her life for a reason.”
“Did you just say yes?” I ask, in awe that he hasn’t yet condemned me to Hell or slugged me.
“Yes,” He nods. “I give you my permission to marry Catlin. But, so help me, if you ever hurt her, I will denounce my cloth and send you to Hell myself.”
And there it is…
He stands from the pew and gives me a fatherly pat on the shoulder. He begins to walk toward his office, and I call after him, “Father O’Flaherty? One more thing.”
“You’re really pushing your luck today, aren’t you, Finnigan?” he snarks.
“Probably,” I quip, rising to my feet. “But this one is equally as important.”