Page 1 of Niko's Printsessa
Chapter One
Becca pads across the room, her dark curls pulled into one of those messy buns she loves to wear, her emerald eyes still sleepy and her smooth face clean of makeup. She’s wearing flimsy pajama shorts, that show off her long sculpted legs, and the thinnest tank top that does nothing to cover her perky tits.
She opens the refrigerator, tilts her head to the side, and crinkles her nose. The cool air covers her skin with goosebumps, and my fingers press together, yearning to pinch her tight nipples. What I wouldn’t give to ravish her body with pain so blissful she’s soaking wet and begging for my cock.
She grabs the creamer and sets it on the counter, still oblivious of my presence, as she tips on her red-painted-toes and reaches for a coffee mug in the cupboard. Her shorts shift, granting an unobstructed view of her bare, round, ass, and I imagine her bent over this counter with my fresh handprint pinkening her supple skin.
Fuck me.
Grateful for that same counter between us, I adjust my jeans trying to ease the pressure of my cock straining against my zipper.
Andrei enters the kitchen and raises his eyebrow. “My office.”
Becca turns, finally notices me, and glares, but a flush of pink stains her cheeks. I keep my stoic mask and follow him into his office, as her familiar coconut scent floats over me.
“What the fuck is Becca doing here? Is her condo being fumigated or something?”
“Something. She was here, late last night.”
“No partying? That’s rare.”
“She was helping Summer decorate the nursery, so I used the excuse for her to stay the night.”
Andrei’s wife, Summer, is due any day, and the newlyweds are so blissfully happy that if Andrei weren’t my best friend, and cousin, I’d want to choke him. Although, he may be the only man I’d have trouble killing. Him and Sergei.
Sergei enters, Andrei rounds his ornate desk, and we all sit. “Someone threated Becca’s life through an untraceable email sent to the distillery’s general inbox.”
Zoyalov, the namesake of the Sokolov family’s vodka, is finally gaining the recognition it deserves. Shopping and partying top her list of activities, but Becca’s worked tirelessly, turning a random comment from five years ago into a successful reality. Aunt Zoya teasingly complained how expensive it was to import Uncle Leo’s favorite vodka overseas, and Becca being Becca suggested we make our own. Soon after, she was researching the distilling process. Within a year she purchased the property, machinery and equipment, but it took another year, andthousands of batches, until she had the perfect recipe. She solicited Aunt Zoya’s help with the label design, incorporating the Sokolov traditional toast,family and future, and Zoyalov was born. The recipe won multiple competitions and Becca marketed tirelessly to local liquor stores for shelf space, and now Zoyalov is sold in stores nationwide. She’s even added rum and gin to their spirits. With all of her accomplishments, you’d think she’d slow down to enjoy the fruits of her labor, but that isn’t Becca. She parties hard and can drink me under the table but fuck if she isn’t committed to the distillery’s growing success.
The grand opening of the tasting room is approaching quickly, where she’ll unveil a new citrus flavored vodka. I’ve also heard her mention giving tours and eventually hosting events.
The fact that Zoyalov is a legitimate Sokolov business, is a bonus.
Andrei continues, “The email saidLeo zaplatit, a printsessa sgorit dotla.Leo will pay, and the princess will burn to ashes.”
My fists clench needing to crush someone’s skull. “You said untraceable?”
“Oni’s working on it.” Oni is our best hacker and intel sleuth there is, and I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t caught the fucker.
“Does she know?”
Andrei pulls a black box from his desk drawer. “No, just us and Uncle Leo.”
Eyeing the box I ask, “Is that what I think it is?”
He opens it, confirming my question. It’s a twenty-four karat gold Russian Orthodox cross necklace with a large diamond in the center, and a tracker hidden inside. Andrei gifted one to Summer and Sergei to Natalia. I thought they were psychotic and possessive, tracking their women, but now I get it. Beccamay not be mine, but I have the sudden urge to clasp that necklace around her neck right fucking now.
Andrei’s tone is steel conviction. “We won’t let anything happen to her.”
“But why now? Why Leo?”
Leo’s brother, and Sergei and Andrei’s father, Boris Sokolov, was cruel and jealous, and even though he was the oldest son destined to rule the Sokolov Bratva, it wasn’t enough. When he discovered Leo’s love for Zoya Petrova, Boris threatened her family, forcing her to marry the brother she didn’t love. Leo was left heartbroken and he exiled himself to Russia, away from everyone, including the Bratva.