Page 57 of Niko's Printsessa
“Security system is activated and we’re recording,” Ino confirms.
My voice is shaky, “Niko? Are you there?”
“I’m here,Printsessa. My eyes are on you.” His soft voice disappears, “Isaak, report.”
“Gun strapped to his back, switchblade in his boot. The girl also has a gun, and her purse is full of goodies. Cloth, bottle of liquid, my guess chloroform, zip ties and a black pillowcase.”
“Fuck. She really wants to harm me.”
The magnitude of her hate sets in, and my already racing pulse skyrockets, but Niko assures me, “You’ve got this. Act natural.”
“There’s another car, Nik,” Alek says. “Female driver, older.”
“Is she in a yellow corvette?” I ask.
“Kira’s mother.” The jilted wife.
Isaak asks, “Are you friendly with her, Bec?”
“No, most definitely not.”
“Is she carrying?” Niko asks.
“Gun in her purse.”
“Fuck. Niko? What do I do?”
“I’m right here. Noone is going to shoot you.”
“How the fuck are you so sure?”
“The rag and chloroform. They want to transport you somewhere else. She only has the gun in case things go sideways. So, remain calm and serve them. Let them think they have the upper hand. Remember what we talked about.”
I inhale and exhale slowly. “How do you guys do this?”
“We’re heartless killers.”
“I’m counting on it.”
Kira enters the distillery and calls out, “Becca, baby!”
“I’m in the tasting room!”
All three of them enter and Kira smiles like she’s not here to kidnap me. “There you are, Stranger!” She does her European kiss, kissing the air on each side of my cheeks.
“Sorry, I’ve been so busy with the tasting room. I see you brought friends. That’s great!” I hope my excitement isn’t too over the top.
Her mother snickers. “I may not look old enough to be her mother, but you know very well who I am, Becca.”
“I’m aware.”
Ivan places his hand on her mother’s arm and she stands down, a fake smile spreads across her face. “Kira said you have a new vodka flavor to unveil at the tasting room opening?”
That’s my que. I wave them closer and line up three chilled shot glasses. “I hope so. We’ve had some hiccups with construction and timing, but I’m still hopeful we’ll meet deadline.”
Kira can barely hide her smirk. “Hiccups?”