Page 12 of Perfect Storm
“No,” I tell him, loud enough that a few people look over. Tia especially lingers, watching us.
“I’ve thought about it from all angles. Whatever I do is gonna make me look like I’m trying to silence her. I’m not giving her that satisfaction.”
I stare at him, seeing beyond the words. It’s hurting him. He’ll never admit it, but this whole mess hurts him. They were friends for years, he’d planned to marry her, wanted a family with her. Yeah, he’s moved on and he’s happy with Tia.
There is that deep-seated regret and sadness over how it ended with Riley. I fucking hate her for making my brother feel like this.
“We should have fired her when it first happened,” I mutter.
“You can’t fire someone for breaking up with their boyfriend. Anyway, can’t change things now.”
There is no point discussing it further. I know my brother, he is going to brood over this. I head over to the bar for a beer. A few minutes later, Archer joins me and orders one for himself. It’s all complimentary, which I still get a kick out of.
“Any idea what this shit is about?” Archer asks me.
He’s BreakNeck’s lead guitarist and I fan boy’d like a dick when I first met him. I fell short of telling him I had his poster on my wall when I was a teenager. That shit would have been embarrassing. Being around him for the last few months, I’ve learned he is a cool guy.
“Not a clue. You get the same black card?”
He takes it out of his pocket and shows me. A quick scan tells me it’s the same one Alessa sent us.
“I’ve got my suspicions,” Arch says, taking his beer, thanking the bar tender. He turns to rest one elbow on the top of it, surveying everyone gathering.
Adam and Jenna arrive, and I think Archer is going to abandon me to greet his best friend, but he stays where he is.
“Brooke thinks they’re getting married, but I’ve known Jordan my whole life. He’s been adamantly against that institution.”
“Alessa too, it’s the perfect ruse though,” I say, drinking some of my beer.
“Jordan would go to Vegas and not invite anyone. He knows we would give him shit for the rest of his life.” Archer shakes his head. “It doesn’t say on the card where the fuck we’re headed.”
“What else could it be?”
“Knowing him, a naked orgy,” Archer laughs and my eyes widen.
Like fuck will I be letting Ocean near any of these men. Even though they’re all wife’d up. I’ve seen those books Nick reads. I don’t think he shares Elsa, but I could be wrong. Elsa is currently perched on his lap as she gossips with the girls. I doubt that happens, but I guess it’s always the quiet ones you have to look out for. Elsa is a real free spirit, all boho and spiritual. I can imagine her being down with an orgy.
“Relax kid, you think any of these pricks would let us see their women naked?”
“Not a chance in hell,” I grunt, and he laughs again, this time at my expense. He casts a quick look over at the girls. Ocean is smiling, but I can see the tiredness in her eyes.
“She okay?” Archer asks.
“She was on shift till six this morning.”
His brows lift. “How the hell is she awake? She’s a doctor, right?”
“Yeah, in the ER,” I say proudly.
Ocean pulled herself out of the slums to get to where she is. She never stopped believing in herself. Her family tried to make her believe she wasn't worth it. She spent most of her childhood alone, taking care of herself.
And her brother. Shit, I'm still not over what his actions triggered and how it affected Ocean. She may have forgiven him, but I damn well haven't. It's a good job he went where he did, so he never gets the chance to see her again.
“She’ll get some rest on the plane if you dicks can keep it down.”
“Hey, less of the dicks. Besides, we’re all old. Our rowdy, boozy party flights are a thing of the past,” he chuckles.
Adam walks over, a scowl on his face.