Page 26 of Perfect Storm
“I’m excited to see everything,” Adrestia says. She is staring out of the window at the passing scenery.
I catch Nash’s eye before he takes her hand. I don’t know their full story, just the basics. When Nash met her, she was carrying out her sister’s bucket list, doing everything her sister could never do from her hospital bed. Something like this, an experience in the Colorado mountains, would definitely appeal to Adrestia.
It makes me feel bad about not wanting to do this. Her sister doesn’t get to do anything anymore.
Archer slings his arm around my neck and pulls me into his side. I go willingly, snuggling into his warmth. Maybe it won’t be so bad. Maybe I got it wrong, and this is about family. Just being together, relaxing, doing something different.
Archer has a small, incredulous smile on his face when he turns from the window and mutters, “Fucking Jordan.”
Chapter 8
I’ve never left New York before. Vacations were not something my family could afford nor cared about. When I went to college and med school, then my residency started, there wasn’t time.
I stare through the window in awe. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful in my life. It’s not like seeing it on TV or in pictures,driving through these mountains and forests is making me emotional.
Luckily, Dylan and Jack are still discussing the festival we will be attending. I watch everything fly by as we drive, keeping my emotions in check enough not to let any tears fall. I'm not a crier per se, and it is by no means his fault. Since meeting Dylan, and after everything we went through in the past months, I've learned not to bottle up my emotions.
It's mostly because I am still tired, but it’s also the thoughtfulness of this. The effort Jordan and Alessa have gone to, to give us this amazing opportunity.
I don’t know Jordan very well, but I’ve hung out plenty with Alessa. This is out of character, bringing us to a place like this. And from what I’ve heard of Jordan, he’s a party guy. He loves the high life. The glamor of being famous, living it up on private yachts and high rolling hotels in Vegas casinos.
This doesn’t seem like something he’d arrange either, but I’m glad I got back out of bed to come along.
Fortunately, I was off shift for three days, so it worked out well. How had Alessa managed to plan it that way? Dylan is free too, and everyone else turned up without argument.
It seems no one else was going to be busy this weekend. Yet, I’m certain none of them had any plans to get together.
“You doing okay angel?”
I turn to Dylan with a huge smile. He gives me one back, his eyes sparkling. I’ll never forget the day I met him, or his brother. Or the terror Nash felt when his brother was wheeled into the ER, after Dylan was cut out of their car.
He had never been in any real danger, but seeing your brother covered in blood, writhing in pain after a traumatic accident, isn’t easy.
Well, it would be fine for me. As harsh as it is, a few months ago, if my mom or brother came into the ER that way, I wouldn’tflinch. I would treat them as any other patient. Now, I won't see my brother again and mom would never come to my hospital even if something did happen.
I still haven't spoken to her after what happened with Xavier. Knowing she had any kind of relationship with the man who took me to get to Xavier shouldn't have surprised me. Not that she was involved in what happened.
Without having all the facts, I've often wondered if my brother got mixed up with him because mom knew him. I could drive myself crazy trying to figure it out.
Dylan has helped me move past it all. He's brought me out of the box I'd built around myself. And I love him so much for that. I blush at the thought of our first kiss in the mansion at Oyster Bay Cove. How is this my life now?
“Jordan and Alessa are my favorite people right now,” I tell him.
“Seriously?” he gives me the side eye.
“Well, for now.”
“Wait till tonight,” he whispers in my ear. “Then I’ll be your favorite, all night.”
“If I don’t fall asleep on you.”
“Never let it be forgotten, Ocean Navarez is one of the world’s greatest romantics.”
“Sorry,” I put my head in my hands. “I won’t do that, promise.”
“Angel, if you’re tired you know I won’t make you,” his voice softens.