Page 113 of Jackass
“Yea, I get that,” he replied wistfully. “There is a lot of dad guilt too when you are doing it alone. Thank God for my parents.”
“You are lucky to have them. My parents have never met Charlie.”
“You have the club, though. And the women. That’s a lot of people that have your back.”
“That’s true,” I agreed. “So, have you given any thought to joining the club?” I asked carefully.
Ryder scoffed. “No. That ship has sailed.”
“How come? From what Jack told me, the officers seemed pretty interested in having you. Jack said it was Gunner who asked why you hadn’t been approached.”
“You were there the night of the party, Sam. Micah doesn’t want me there.”
“That’s not true, Ryder,” I argued.
“It is,” he insisted. “Besides, with the girls, I can’t do the prospecting thing. When they first set up, and I was still married, I could have worked around it.”
“You have Avery and your parents,” I noted.
“Nah. It would be too much time away from my girls.”
“That can all get worked out.”
Ryder and I both turned toward Tank when he spoke. He was sitting by the front door, watching the street.
“Maybe. Still doesn’t change the other issue.”
The door opened and a beautiful young woman walked in. She had blonde hair pulled back in a bun; her blue eyes were framed in with black glasses. There was a gracefulness about her that captivated me. Her tailored suit was expensive, and her red soled shoes told me she came from the kind of money you didn’t make from selling books.
“Hi,” she said.
“Hello, can I help you?” Ryder smiled at the woman.
“I hope so. I am an author. I have a couple of books out but am hoping to garner more interest. My friend suggested talking to some small bookstores about maybe doing a signing.”
“What is your name?” Ryder asked.
“Rayne Perry.”
“OH MY GOD!” I screeched.
“Mommy, Uncle Ryder said no yelling in the store,” Charlie scolded.
I heard Ryder laugh, but I kept my attention on the woman in front of me.
“I love your books! I’ve read all five of them.”
“Thank you,” she replied shyly.
“Ryder, you have to do this,” I exclaimed, turning to him. “You have to have her come. People will come to the store for this. I can help you set everything up. Please. Please. Please.”
“So, Sam, I was thinking about having an author’s book signing event here at the store. Think it’s a good idea?”
“Asshole,” I said, shaking my head.
I heard Tank laughing at his post by the door.
“Miss Perry, I have heard of you. In fact, I have a couple of your books here in the store.”