Page 117 of Jackass
He turned to look at me with a smirk. “You sure about that?”
Blade moved faster than I did, blocking my path.
“Derek, why are you here?” Sammy asked.
Derek looked over at Sammy and took a few steps closer to her. Mimic immediately stepped in front of her, blocking her from him. Derek looked Mimic over from head to toe.
“You think you can keep me from my wife?” he asked.
“Nope,” Mimic said. “I know I can.” He crossed his arms over his chest and waited.
Mimic might be thin, but he was not a guy you wanted to underestimate. Whatever he shared with Sammy had bonded them together. I knew Derek had no chance of getting past him.
Sammy looked around Mimic. “Why are you here, Derek? Just sign the divorce papers.”
“Well, see, the thing is, I don’t want a divorce. Not to mention you want me to give up my claim on my daughter.” Derek shrugged.
I struggled against Blade. I was going to rip this asshole apart.
“JACK!” King bellowed, getting my attention.
“In fact, I would very much like to meet my daughter.” Derek turned toward Charlie.
He only made it three steps before Tank set Charlie on the couch and stood. Derek’s steps faltered visibly. I took great joy in that. There was no way he was getting near my daughter.
“She is not your fucking daughter,” Tank explained.
“Well, now see, I’m married to Sammy—”
“Don’t fucking call her that!” I barked.
Derek chuckled at my outburst. I wanted to knock him on his ass, and I would, once I got away from Blade. He had both armsholding me in place.
“Jack, don’t let him get to you,” Sammy whispered.
She had moved closer to me and placed her hand on my chest. All the tension in my body escaped the minute she touched me. Blade must have felt it because he released me so I could pull Sammy into my arms.
“As I was saying. Sammy is my wife, and according to Charlotte’s birth certificate, I am her father,” he informed, crossing his arms over his chest.
Did he think that made him look tough?
Standing in front of me, Sammy addressed the douchebag.
“Derek, you know as well as I do that you are not her father. You have made no attempt to see me or her in the five years since I left. So just sign the papers for the divorce and agree to the change in her birth certificate.”
“I am afraid I’m gonna need a DNA test before I can do that. Now, if we discover she is indeed someone else’s child. Well then, I would have grounds for the divorce,” Derek said, holding his palms up on each side of his body.
He pulled a packet of papers out of his back pocket and laid them on the table.
“Not a problem,” King said. “Cash, call Patch in. We can get the swabs done right now.”
“See, that doesn’t work for me. How do I know you won’t create a false report? No, I think we need to do them at the hospital,” the smug bastard said.
“Let’s go then,” King offered. “We can head over there right now.”
“Unfortunately, now doesn’t work for me, either,” the bastard stated, making a show to look at his watch. “I have another engagement I need to get to. I’ll be in touch about when I can make time to get over there.” With that, he turned and walked out the front door.
“Mimic, follow him,” King ordered.