Page 144 of Jackass
“He did?”
Sammy placed her hand on the back of Charlie’s head. She didn’t take her from me, she just sat next to me.
“I’m sorry, Sammy. I’m so sorry. I loved you so much. I didn’t want to be him. I didn’t want to hurt my child. I couldn’t take that chance.”
Sammy placed her hand on my arm.
“I’m sorry for my part in what happened, Derek. I shouldn’t have done what I did.”
I saw the tears well up in her eyes.
“Don’t cry, Sammy. It breaks my heart when you cry.”
“What happened, Derek?”
“She won’t hurt anyone again. Charlie is safe, and my baby girl is safe.”
“Where is she Derek?” Sammy asked.
“She’s in there.” I tilted my head in the direction of the room I was staying in.
Deputies rushed through the door. I knew what they found.
“Sheriff, come take a look,” a deputy called out.
The sheriff looked at Jack. My brother nodded, and the sheriff moved inside the room. As I sat there, my arms tightened around Charlie, and her little arms tightened around my neck. Her way of letting me know she had me, just like I had her.
Sammy just sat there, rubbing my arm. She made no move to take Charlie from me. I knew I would have to give her up eventually, and I would. Just not yet.
I looked up at Jack. His eyes locked with mine.
“Thank you, brother,” he said.
I closed my eyes and nodded.
I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t look at him.
The sheriff came back outside and walked over, standing in front of me again.
“Mr. Reynolds,” the sheriff said. “I need you to tell me what happened.” He had holstered his weapon.
I guess he no longer thought of me as a threat.
“Dec, is she?” Jack asked.
“She is,” the sheriff confirmed.
I released the breath I hadn’t realized I’d held on to when Jack asked.
“Sam, can you take Charlie over by the cars? I don’t want her to hear this.”
I tried to pull her back, and she held on tighter.
Placing my hand on the back of her head, I whispered, “Babygirl, you gotta go with your momma.”
Her little head shook. “You need me, Uncle Derek.”
“I do. But I need to talk to the sheriff,” I explained.