Page 149 of Jackass
Ryder nodded. Beck sat in a chair on one side of the bed, and his mother sat on the other side.
“How are you feeling?” Beck asked.
“Like I got shot,” he stated, looking at Beck. “Hey, none of that.” He lifted his hand, wiping her cheek.
“Don’t you ever do something so stupid again,” Beck said.
“Me not stepping in front of that bullet and letting it hit you would have been stupid. Besides, I didn’t even think about it,” Ryder told her.
“See what I mean,” Mrs. Thomas said, smiling at Blade.
“What?” Ryder asked.
“Nothing, Son. Your mom was just bragging about you out in the hallway,” Mr. Thomas told him. “Now that we have seen for ourselves you are ok, we are going to head home to be with thegirls.”
“Good, they need you more than I do. Tell them I love them,” Ryder said.
“We will, Son.” Mrs. Thomas kissed Ryder on the head and the two of them walked to the door.
“How about you and Rach walk them out, Beck?” Blade asked.
“What? Why?” she questioned.
“Come on, Beck.” Rachel grabbed her hand, pulling her from her chair. “Ryder, we’ll be back soon.”
Rachel and Beck followed Mr. and Mrs. Thomas out of the room and the four of us stood at the end of the bed.
“Why are you all here?” he asked.
I opened the box in my hands and laid what was inside on his legs. He stared at it for a moment, then glared up at us.
“What the fuck is that?” he growled.
“Your cut,” King stated bluntly.
Ryder’s eyes narrowed at Blade, then moved to King.
“I told Sam weeks ago, club life doesn’t work for me. My girls come first. The time I would need for prospecting would take too much away from them. Besides, he didn’t want me there,” he said, hitching his thumb toward Blade.
“We aren’t asking you to prospect. What you did for Beck, an old lady, and my family,” King paused and shook his head.
I knew he was thinking about what could have happened if it weren’t for Ryder.
“That shit shows me more than a year of prospecting ever could. The truth is, we wanted to approach you. Blade asked us not to.”
“Thanks, man,” Blade muttered.
“You agreed to this?” Ryder asked Cash.
They had a tumultuous relationship at best. Cash didn’t like how close Ryder was with his old lady, Rachel. And Ryder kissed Rachel on the cheek every chance he got, just to stick it to Cash.
“I wasn’t at first, then Blade reminded me that as VP, I could order you not to touch my woman ever again.” Cash grinned, which made Ryder snort.
“I appreciate the offer, but I can’t accept,” Ryder said, pushing the cut back toward King.
“Stop being a stubborn ass,” Blade argued.
Ryder looked over at him. “Exactly how long were you a stubborn ass? Seven fucking years. I think I am entitled to at least that long.”