Page 39 of Jackass
“You agreed to a sleepover with Beck tonight.”
I tried to object but Jack continued, “Blade lives there, he will protect Charlie. Change of plans; don’t get dressed. Go up to my room and lie down. We have a few more things to talk about, plans to make. We can do that tonight.”
He kissed my forehead and turned me toward the stairs.
“I’ll be up in a little while. I don’t want you to worry, baby. You don’t have to be afraid anymore.”
“I’m so sorry, Jack.”
“Shh, go upstairs and rest. Take a shower and get into bed. I want you to sleep.”
Slowly, I climbed the stairs and did as Jack asked. I took a hot shower and dug a clean T-shirt out of his dresser. Crawling onto the bed, I snuggled beneath the covers and waited for Jack.
I didn’t know how long I’d been asleep when I felt the bed dip. Jack curled up behind me, pulling me tight against his chest.
“Sleep, Sammy. Tomorrow will be here before we know it.”
Chapter Nine
“Church, now,” King declared to the room. “Call the others to come in.”
I stood there, watching Sammy walk down the hallway.
“Jack,” King said, his hand squeezing my shoulder. “Come on, brother, we need to talk about this shit.”
“Yea,” I replied absentmindedly, still reveling in all the shit Sammy had just hit me with.
I followed King into church, collapsing in my chair.
It wasn’t long before everyone made it back to the clubhouse and gathered around the large wooden table.
King slammed the gavel on the table, letting everyone know they better shut up and pay attention.
“Ok, for those who don’t know yet, Jack has a daughter he didn’t know about.”
“What the fuck? Daughters seem to be coming out of the woodwork in this club lately,” Zero crowed. “Any of you other bastards have children you don’t know about?”
“How the fuck would they answer that if they don’t know about them, asshole?” Tank challenged.
“You know what I mean.” Zero slumped back in his chair and shut his mouth.
“Everyone, shut the fuck up,” King yelled. “Jack.”
I looked up at my president. I was only half listening to the grumbling, still thinking about what Sammy told me.
“Yeah, Prez?”
“You claiming Samantha and Charlie?”
“Fuck yes, I am!”
Blade sat quietly by my side when King asked for the vote. Iturned to look at my best friend. He hadn’t voted yet, and I was getting angry waiting for him to vote for my old lady.
“Jack, are you sure?” Blade asked.
“What the fuck, man?” I couldn’t believe he was asking me that. “Did I question you when you wanted to claim Beck? Hell, man, I encouraged you to tell her the truth and make her yours. Now you’re questioning me? Knowing I’ve wanted Sammy since I met her? Charlie is my fucking daughter. I’m not giving her up.”