Page 42 of Jackass
“Yes, you know what she experienced, but you don’t know what she endured. People always think that women can just walk away. It doesn’t work that way, Jack. Most women only get away through death. Sam got away with her life. More importantly, with Charlie’s life. She needs to be shown how much strength, courage, and determination that took. She needs to be reminded that she is strong. She survived the worst shit dished out to women. If you can’t do that, then walk away. Let someone who can, step in for her and for Charlie.”
I walked the few steps back toward Amber and got in her face. She didn’t cower, in fact, she stood up taller. She was letting meknow she wasn’t afraid of me.
I had to respect that, but still.
“Are you telling me to walk away from my daughter? And her mother? You want my daughter to grow up without her father, so she ends up a whore in some other MC like you? Don’t ever try to tell me to walk away from my daughter again.”
Amber took a step forward. I expected her to back down. Instead, she got in my face and snarled.
“If you can’t be the man she needs, back the fuck off.”
Then she turned and walked away.
I stood there, staring after her. It pissed me off she came at me that way. But I had mad respect that she had Sammy’s back.
Continuing down the stairs, I headed right for the kitchen. I figured that would be where Sammy was.
I was wrong.
Hash was making breakfast, and Romeo, Mimic, and Blade were sitting at the table.
“Morning, Jack, you hungry?”
“Yea, Hash, thanks,” I replied, walking to the coffeepot. I poured myself a cup of coffee and leaned against the counter to drink it. I wasn’t sitting at the table.
Yeah, I was acting like a child. And maybe he had some valid points, but Blade had pissed me off, and I didn’t want to talk to him yet.
“Hey, Hash, has Sammy eaten yet?”
“She’s over at my place,” Blade said without looking up from his plate.
“Why the fuck is she at your place?” Apparently, he didn’t even like her. Why would she be over there?
He lifted his head and glared at me. “Because your daughter spent the night there last night.”
Shit, he was right. I dumped my coffee in the sink, placed my cup in the dishwasher and walked out without another word to him. He chose not to do the same when I heard his voice as the door closed.
I jogged across the road to Beck’s place and knocked on the door before opening it and walking straight in. Knowing Blade was at the clubhouse meant there was no chance I would walk in to the sight of his bare ass in the kitchen.
Hearing laughter coming from another room, I followed the sound through the kitchen and into the living room. What I found had me getting angry all over again.
Fuck, when would I get this under control?
Beck and Sammy were sitting on the couch. That didn’t bother me. It was the woman sitting on the floor, holding my daughter, that had my blood boiling.
“Hey ladies, what are you up to?” I asked, trying to keep the rage out of my voice for Charlie’s sake.
“Daddy!” Charlie squirmed, trying to get up, and Carrie held her firm. I glared at the woman and walked over to pick up my daughter. Charlie hugged my neck. She was always so happy to see me.
“Hey, Beck, if Blade is at the clubhouse, who’s here watching Charlie?” I asked, looking around the room.
“Big Ben is here. He just stepped out to walk the perimeter,” she informed me.
Nodding, I walked over and sat on the couch next to Sammy. Kissing her cheek, I said, “You wanna tell me why I woke up alone this morning?”
“You came to bed so late. I wanted to let you sleep. I came straight here to get Charlie. Carrie called while I was here, and Beck said to invite her over, so I did.”