Page 58 of Jackass
We entered the room to find Sammy and Carrie arguing in hushed tones. They both went silent once they noticed I had returned.
“Jack, maybe Carrie is right,” she said, her hands twisting. “Charlie has to be kept safe. Nothing else matters.”
Setting the tote on the faded couch, I pulled Sammy to the side of the room, away from Carrie.
“You matter, just as much as Charlie.”
“Jack, I—”
“No, Sammy. You matter too. I won’t let anything happen to you or Charlie. You will be safe at the clubhouse, I promise.” I looked over at Carrie.
She stood there, her arms crossed over her chest. I knew she wasn’t happy. I didn’t give a shit about her happiness. My family was all that mattered.
“Why doesn’t Charlie have any toys? And where are the rest of your things?” I asked, looking at the duffle bag Sammy had set by the door.
“That’s everything,” she said, pointing at the bag.
“What? How can that be everything?”
“Jack, we have been living in hiding. We had to run at a moment’s notice. Too many things would slow us down,” Sammy explained.
I stood there, dumbstruck.
Until that moment, I hadn’t really understood what Sammy had lived through. Amber’s words about how strong Sammy was, came rushing back.
My woman had sacrificed everything to keep my daughter safe.
That ended today. No more sacrificing. If I had the power to do it, I would give Sammy everything she ever wanted and more.
Looking back at Carrie again, I asked, “Where’s the note?”
I needed to know what we were dealing with.
“I got rid of it. Just like all the rest,” she responded.
“What did it say?” I demanded.
She hesitated. “The same as always.” She lowered her voice. “He wants Sammy back, but not Charlie.”
“If you get another one, I want to see it before you get rid of it,” I hissed. “Let’s go.”
Picking up the tote, I walked to the door. Lifting Sammy’s bag, I placed it on top of the tote and walked out.
Placing my family’s meager belongings in the back seat of the truck, I waited outside for Sammy and Charlie. I refused to walk back into that house and see what my girls had been living without.
After a few minutes, Sammy and Charlie walked outside. I placed Charlie in her seat and buckled her up. Opening the door for Sammy to get in, I kissed her hard.
“You will never be without again, Sammy. I will give you the world if you let me.”
Sammy placed her hand on my cheek, and I leaned into it.
“I have you and Charlie. That’s everything I need.” With that, she climbed in, and I closed the door. Walking around the front of the truck, I saw Carrie leaning against the doorway.
Trying to be the bigger person, I waved.
She ignored me.
Sliding into the driver’s seat, I turned over the ignition and backed out of the driveway.