Page 69 of Jackass
“Take her inside. She probably needs a nap.”
“Jack, I’m so sorry. I don’t even know what to say.”
“Hey, you didn’t know, now you do. We’ll figure this out,” I assured her. “At least Ryder didn’t hear any of that.”
“Where is that fucking bitch!”
Sighing, I hung my head as a yell came from the direction of the clubhouse. Chrissy had said she needed the bathroom, right after they blew out the candles. Ryder had gone inside before anything went down between Beck and Carrie.
I looked past Sammy as Ryder stormed across the yard. Blade reached him first.
“She left,” Blade stated, stepping in front of him.
“Do you know what she said to my baby?”
“Charlie just told us,” he replied, nodding.
“Ryder,” Sammy said hesitantly, “I’m so sorry. I had no idea she would say anything like that. She has always been so great with Charlie.”
“While you were around, maybe. But what about when you weren’t?” Ryder asked.
I had to admit, I thought the same. But Charlie denied it when we asked her. I had to believe that if Carrie was being mean to her, she would have told her mother.
“Where are your girls now?” I asked.
“Inside with my mom. They’re getting tired,” he explained.
“Why don’t you let them go up to Charlie’s room with Sammy, and they can all take a nap?” I offered.
“I should just take them home.”
“Hey, man, stay. Let the girls take a nap upstairs. You can have an hour or so to relax, and the girls will be safe.”
Looking back at the clubhouse, I could see the indecision warring in his eyes. Finally, he relented.
“Yea, ok.”
I followed Sammy inside. Mrs. Thomas helped Sammy get the girls settled upstairs. Meanwhile, the club officers and Beck, along with the sheriff, stepped into church.
“What the hell happened out there?” I asked with a big grin on my face.
I couldn’t lie. Seeing Beck clock Carrie made my day.
It was something I would have loved to do myself, but I didn’t hit women.
“She pissed me off,” Beck simply said.
“What did she say?”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” she replied.
“Sweetheart, I need to know what she said that pissed you off so much you took a swing at her,” King explained.
“I said, I don’t want to talk about it,” Beck reiterated and sat back in her seat, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Baby girl, not good enough.”
Beck glared at the sheriff. Her lips pressed tightly together. She had decided she wasn’t saying more, and I didn’t think any of us had any hope of changing her mind.