Page 93 of Jackass
“There are cameras in the bar. I’ll talk to the owner and get a copy of them,” King told his brother.
“Did he say anything else, Samantha?” the sheriff asked.
Sammy bit her lip. She was holding something back.
“Baby, what did he say?”
“He called me a bitch after I called him out on his cheesy line.”
I watched her face. Her hands twisted on the sheet on the bed.
“What else, Sammy?”
“Jack, it was just—”
“What. Else. Sammy.”
She signed heavily. “He said‘I’ll get you later. You’ll be changing your tune then.’Jack, he was just mad I turned him down. Guys say stupid shit to women all the time.”
“He threatened you.”
“Comes with the territory,” she said, shrugging.
“Comes with the… Sammy, are you kidding me right now?” I pinched the bridge of my nose, hoping to stem the throbbing that had started in my head.
“Jack, you have no idea what it is like being a woman.”
I looked at the woman I was desperately in love with. How could she not understand that a threat was serious?
“Sammy, you shouldn’t have been at the bar to begin with. Not without me,” I told her.
“Ok, I think I have everything I need,” the sheriff said. “Good luck, Jack.” He chuckled before leaving the room.
“I need to get that footage from the bar. Let me know when the doctor releases her, and we’ll have church.”
“King,” Sammy called.
“What do you need, Samantha?”
“Please take Jack with you.”
King laughed out loud. “Sorry, darlin’, can’t do that.”
He slapped me on the back and walked out of the room, still laughing.
“I am not talking anymore, Jack. I’m tired, and it has been a shit day. So, if you are staying, keep your mouth closed.”
My woman stubbornly crossed her arms over her chest and glared at me.
Jingles chuckled behind me, and I turned to glare at him.
“You can go now,” I growled.
Jingles ignored me and asked my woman, “You good here? I can stay.”
“What the fuck?” I hissed.