Page 37 of Wolf's Chance
“Girl, you cannot diss Damon. He’s hot and way better than the options I gave you before.” Lily ate a few chips. “Okay, okay, I got it! Dean or Sam?”
We shared a look and both grinned. “Totally,” Lily confirmed. “And he’d kill all the vampires.”
“And the werewolves,” I added. “All the creepy things go night night when Dean’s around.” We ate in silence. As much as I tried, I couldn’t stop looking at the bench across the street.
“So, Caleb just left?” Lily was really bad at feigning indifference.
“You’re as subtle as a brick.” She merely winked at me, drinking from her water bottle. “Yes, he left.”
“And he never saidanything?”
“What were you expecting him to say?” I looked down at my sandwich, losing my appetite as I thought about the man who was gone in person but who, in my dreams, still very much had a starring role.
“Goodbye?” Lily’s disappointment would have been amusing if I wasn’t still torn about Caleb leaving like I’d asked him to.
“He was just a guy, Lil,” I admonished, standing up and walking to the small storage area where I sometimes kept new pieces that I hadn’t dared to showcase yet. With trembling fingers, I reached out for the newest piece and took it out of hiding. “What do you think?”
Lily quickly put her sandwich down and wiped her hands on her jeans before joining me to study my latest piece of art. “Oh wow, Willow,” she exclaimed, the admiration clear. “It’s beautiful.” I nodded. It was. A pool, perhaps a spring, was surrounded by trees with two flat boulders close to the water. However, it was the soft waterfall that drew the eye. “The light on that waterfall,” she breathed. “Is it real?” She reached out to touch the painting. “I can almost feel the coolness of the water.” She beamed at me, and I knew I blushed at the praise.
“Thank you.”
“Where is this? We need to go.”
“I don’t think it’s anywhere.” But the lie tasted heavy on my tongue. I knew it was real because I knew it was connected to Caleb. While Lily gushed over the painting and helped me place it on the wall for sale, I didn’t tell her I hadn’t painted allof the scene that I’d dreamed of. I didn’t tell her that on the edge of the clearing, leading to the pool had sat a gray wolf.
I hadn’t drawn it into my painting. I’d tried, but each time I’d attempted to capture the beauty of the majestic animal, I’d ended up starting over.
“I love it.” Her declaration brought me out of my thoughts. “I might need to buy it.”
With my back to her, I didn’t have to hide my smile. “You have no more room for your pity purchases,” I scolded, but she could tell I was joking.
“Well…I have an office now.”
Looking over my shoulder at her, I saw her shift her feet uncomfortably. “No, you didn’t,” I said as I turned. “You gave in?”
Her head dropped into her hands as she groaned. “I gave in!” When she raised her head, she looked defeated, but she was fighting the smile. “He’s unbearable to live with, you know.”
“Which is a lie, and you know it.” Reaching out to swat her on the arm, I missed as she danced out of reach. “Plus, you’re working for your dad. It’s not the same as living in the same house as him.” Resting back on my seat, I shook my head as I watched her. “When do you start?”
Lily sniffed, inspecting her nails. “Monday.”
Frowning at her indifference, I ended up gawking at her. “You startedtoday?” She didn’t meet my stare, deciding to tidy up our half-eaten lunches. “Oh my God, are you on your lunch break?”
“Shut up.”
I laughed out loud. I couldn’t help it. She looked so smugand bashful at the same time. “Congratulations on your new job,” I told her, hugging her. “How long is lunch?” The fact her phone started to ring made me laugh again. “You’re already in trouble!” I wasn’t hiding my glee.
“Shutup, Willow!” Lily’s cheeks were burning as she answered the phone. “Hi, Dad!” I giggled when she rolled her eyes at me. “Of course I’m coming back this afternoon,” she said, picking up her purse. She mouthedgoodbyeto me, and I waved, watching her hurry out the door. Only Lily would take too long a lunch break on her first day of a new job.
I spent the rest of the day cleaning the store. I’d had class this morning. Lily had told me she wouldn’t be in class, but Lorna and Peter had turned up, eager as ever. Realizing that Lily wouldn’t be returning as a student made me sad but also happy. Sad that I’d miss her student fees, and happy that I would no longer be taking charity from her.
Plus, I knew she was going to love working with her dad.
Around four, I decided I’d had enough and wanted to catch some of the afternoon sunshine. I’d been freaked out by the doctor that afternoon the other week, but despite that, I’d taken his advice. I walked to and from the store at a pace that suited me. I ate three meals a day, and I had banned candy, chocolate, and Alistair from my house.
I was going to cave when it came to Alistair, I knew that. It wasn’t his fault his mom wasn’t the best parent. I’d thought I saw his dad was home, which would keep Alistair out of my house too. For how long? I guess that was up to me.