Page 13 of Wolf's Fate
“And that’s okay,” Lorna soothed me.
I nodded, but I felt the familiar tightness in my throat. The fact that it was a familiar feeling choked me even more. I wasn’t able to stutter the words of thanks for the incredible kindness she was giving me. The acceptance from the other two women in the room, that I hadn’t even been prepared to protect myself in my home, hit deeper than I wanted to admit.
Lily filled the silence for me. “Thank you, Lorna.Really, we appreciate it.” Her hand gripped mine tighter, and I knew she was frustrated that this had happened to me.
Lorna bent, picking up my discarded plate and mug. “You should try and rest, Willow. Your ME might flare up, and you don’t want that.”
No, because that would be just another thing to go wrong for me. Wow. How negative did I sound?
Yet the idea of rest…it didn’t feel possible. My body was tired, but my mind was racing with everything that had gone wrong. However, the idea of lying awake, alone with my thoughts? I shuddered. A night of being haunted by the events of today would only be unbearable. I also knew I couldn’t admit that to either of them.
“I’ll try,” I told Lorna with a small smile.
She beamed in response and then gave a not-so-subtle jerk of her head to Lily. “Your father is waiting outside.”
“I’ll just say goodbye,” Lily told Lorna, and the other woman said goodnight to me. As the door closed behind her, Lily blew out a breath. “You put the knife down?”
“I was on the phone calling the police,” I lied. Well, I’d been on the phone, so not a total lie. “I needed a hand to open the door. It was put the phone down or put the knife down.”
“So you chose to put down theweapon?”
The outrage was real, and I bit back my laughter. “Seriously, Lily? What wasIgoing to do with a knife?”
She thought about it. “Yeah, you’re right, someone would definitely be in the hospital, and it would be you.”
“That’s what Caleb would’ve said too.” I didn’t miss her sharp look, but she said nothing.
“I better go. Dad’s outside.” She stood and I could see herreluctance to leave. “If you didn’t look so adorable in Lorna’s PJs and comfortable in that bed, I would tell you to get up and come to my place.”
I looked down at the red flannel jammies. “They’re so soft.”
“Okay, I’m going.” At the door, she looked over at me. “You sleep, no visions, no muse invasions.”
“Muse invasions?” My lips twitched slightly.
“No dirty dreams of Caleb either! I want you to sleep.”
“I don’t have dirty dreams of Caleb,” I protested with a scowl, causing her to grin.
“I’ll see you tomorrow. We’ll check out the store and then your house. I’ll pick you up.”
“Lily, you work, you don’t need to.”
“Pfft. Dad will send me straight to you if I turn up at work, and you know it.”
I didn’t, but after tonight, I didn’t doubt as much as I once would have. “Thanks. And thank you, for everything.”
“Best friend.” She pointed at herself. “Never forget it.”
As if she would let me. I didn’t say that; instead, I wished her goodnight, thanked her again, and when the door was closed, I switched the nightlight off.
And stared into the darkness.
I lay in the silence, going over everything that had happened that day. Friends had stepped up and given me their support. My fingers twisted in the blanket as I struggled with the fact that they shouldn’t have had to, but I was so thankful they had.
I had people to count on, and that meant so much. I couldn’t imagine life without Lily and my friends.
My mind flashed to Caleb in the sketch thatRoyce had taken earlier. The shirtless one, where he was surrounded by nature.