Page 21 of Wolf's Fate
“I am sure I want you to go to Zumba and have fun.” Reaching out, I took her hand. “You have been amazing, and you don’t know how grateful I am for a friend like you, and I mean that.”
She blushed with embarrassment at the praise, but she squeezed my hand tightly. “You’re welcome, honey. I’ll see you later,” she told me, and anticipating my protest, she shook her head. “No, I know you won’t eat if I don’t come and bring lunch.” She looked me over. “You really do look healthier with me feeding you for the last few days, you know. I think we’ll have to discuss this with your doctor, Willow.”
The “mom” look was back, and I had to admit, I didn’t hate it. Suppressing a smile, I looked at her as I scrunched my nose up, already opening the door. “Maybe,” I acknowledged. “Maybe you take better care of me than I do myself. But…I won’t admit I said it!”
Laughing, I ran out the front door, hurrying down the path as she shouted after me that she had a recording device at the front door for her boys sneaking in, so she had it all on tape. I laughed louder and she waved at me as she yelled she’d see me later.
I was still giggling at her use of “tape” as I walked to work. Who said “tape” anymore? She was so funny. With my head in the clouds, a feat I placed firmly at Lorna’s door because of how much she had cared for me the last few days, I didn’t see the man rounding the corner who I walked into until it was too late.
“Ow! Sorry,” I added as I looked up at him and took a step back. I thought Cannon was big; this guy was huge.
“You should watch where you’re going.”
Looking between him and the corner, I pointed. “It’s a blind corner. This is as much your fault as mine.”
He was white, with dirty blond hair, a full beard, and hardhazel eyes. “Watch where you’re going in the future,” he grunted and resumed walking.
“Jerk,” I muttered under my breath as he walked away, my breath hitching when he turned swiftly to scowl at me. With my head down, I hurried on my way to work. I didn’t think they got bigger than Cannon, but that guy would definitely give him a run for his money.
On Main Street, my steps had slowed so much I was making hardly any progress. He was big and powerful, with really good hearing. Or maybe he hadn’t heard my name-calling, but I thought he did. Which meant he was a shifter.
Or I was overexcitable and thought everyone was a shifter now. Orwaseveryone a shifter now?
Opening the store, I didn’t bother turning over the “closed” sign. Noel and his guys weren’t finished yet, and until they were, there was no point opening. The insurance also sent someone out to inspect, and we had documented everything, so now all I had to do was wait. While I waited, I could draw.
The scene was one I had been reliving for the last few nights. Caleb lay on his back, his eyes on the sky above him, wearing nothing but jeans. His feet were bare, his abs on display, his hair disheveled around his head as he fixed the sky with an impenetrable stare.
The first time I saw the log cabin, I thought I was drawing a scene from his past, but the second time I saw him there, I just knew it wasnow. Like right now.
My finger traced the line of his body laid flat out against the cold ground. Loneliness emanated from the page, and I wished I could reach in and grab him and pull him out to me and have him here at my side.
I missed his grumpy ass. Did he miss me?
“Stupid, Willow,” I scolded myself. “He couldn’t wait to get away from you, so how would he miss you?” Even though I knew I was right, I still wanted to take hold of his hand and tell him we would find the answers together.
The knock on the door caused me to jump. Looking up through the window, I saw two familiar faces. Hurrying over to the door, I opened it for Royce and Doc. “You’re here so soon?”
Royce walked in, surveying the damage, Doc following closely behind, and I locked the door behind them.
“Place looks almost like new,” Royce complimented me, already walking to my easel. Noel had fixed them first at the request of his wife. “When was this?” he asked, his eyes on Caleb.
“The last few nights,” I answered honestly. “This is the first time I have drawn since the break-in. There’s no others for you to worry about.”
Royce peered at the sketch. “Why does he have mini tornadoes around him?” He exchanged a look with Doc. “Weather’s still good on the peaks.”
Joining them, we all stared at my sketch. “I don’t think it’s weather,” I told them slowly. “I don’t know what it is, but I don’t think it’s weather-related.”
“Looks spooky,” Doc said finally. “What do you think it means?” he asked me.
“I wish I knew.”
“You ready for your physical?” Doc changed the subject, and I saw Royce roll his eyes.
“Today?” I wanted to tell him no, that Lorna had someinsights, but how could I explain my human friend’s insights to my doctor?
Doc looked around my empty, almost fully repaired store. “Got anything else you need to be doing?”
“Rude,” I murmured, walking to the back of the store.