Page 27 of Wolf's Fate
Whether it was real or my brain had been fueled with my nighttime reading, I wasn’t sure. Either way, I knew I was ready to leave.
I didn’t have a car, and I didn’t have a license. Although Lily had her truck back, the fact Caleb had put so much mileage on it hadn’t gone unnoticed. I didn’t have confidence in the fact I would manage to talk Lily into lending me another vehicle, especially when she knew I couldn’t really drive.
But I had to find some method of transport. I knew I had to go and find out where he was and then find him before there was nothing left of Caleb to bring back.
“I cannot believeyou went to the library and checked these books out.” Lily was in my bedroom, helping me move back in. I’d been an additional two days with Lorna before I left her to come home. I took two days longer for the main reason Ihadthrown all her good work out the window when I spent all night reading the offending book in Lily’s hand and then having horrible visions of Caleb.
“I thought you were making the bed?” I asked her, straightening from unpacking my backpack. “You’ve been sitting on it for the last five minutes.”
Lily ignored me. “Listen to this: ‘Determining whether you possess some form of extrasensory perception can be subjective.’” She paused in her reading to give me a dry look. “I bet it can,” she muttered before she continued. “‘It is often based on personal experiences, and for people whobelievetheymayhave psychic abilities, they report specific signs or feelings.’” She gave me a loaded look as she turned the page. “‘Here are some examples of psychic experiences.’ Are they kidding?” Shedidn’t wait for an answer. “‘Strong intuition.’” Again, she looked up at me, rolling her eyes. “Duh.”
“Lily,” I scolded her lightly, “there are people who believe this.”
Her look spoke volumes. “Two, clairco, no, wait, clair-cog-niz… Niz? Claircogniz…ance… claircognizance? Easy if you can say it,” she grumbled. “Oh, it means unexplained knowing. Unexplained… What?” She held her finger up to stop me from speaking as she continued reading. “‘You mayjust knowinformation, without prior knowledge or learning. Or thesenseof knowing could appear in dreams or spontaneous thoughts which later prove to be true.’” Her eyes met mine, and I already knew what she was thinking. “‘Psychic people may have premonitions or visions.’” Her eyes widened as she read on. “‘They may have vividdreamsorvisionsthat later come to pass. The visions can feel out of place at the time but later become clear after the events unfold.’” Lily laid the book in her lap, her face thoughtful. “Wow. You could say you have clair-whatever and the premonitions.”
“I thought you were a skeptic?” I teased, unloading my toiletry bag. “You read three possibilities, and now you’re a believer.”
“Shut up.” She picked the book back up. “There’s also, clair…good grief, they’re obsessed with Clair!”
“Clairvoyance,” I murmured and was rewarded with a throw pillow beingthrownat me.
“Clairsentience is heightened empathy. Oooh, telepathic experience, knowing when someone is going to call or text you.” She looked up at me, puzzled. “I always know when you’re going to text.”
“Mm-hmm.” I folded my laundry.
“Ooh, I wonder if telekinesis is one?” I watched her skim the page, and the flash of disappointment on her face when she couldn’t find it, made me grin. “No, just a strong connection to spirituality.” She hesitated, peering over the top of the book. “Do you see dead people?”
Lily sniffed dismissively. “Boring. Okay, where was I? Experiences of déjà vu, pfft, we all get that.” She scowled at the book. “Sensory disturbance where you hear or see things that others don’t…yikes, creepy. Psychometry, ooh this one’s cool. You sense things by touching people, objects, oooh, like a tracker dog.”
“What? I’m being serious!” The problem was, she probably was. “Have you astrally projected?”
“Hmm, it says you could leave your body and be in two places at once. That’d be handy. There’s more. One’s something I’m more likely to have, something to do with patterns and numbers.” Lily closed the book. “So…psychic? Cool.” She held out her hand. “When do I get married and how many kids?”
Standing up, I brushed off my jeans. “Weren’t you a skeptic five minutes ago?”
“Yes, but the book says, if you feel you have abilities, you have to experiment.” She held out her hand and shook it a little. “Experiment.”
“The book also says that a dream journal and meditation are also things that may help.”
“It alsosays”—she narrowed her eyes at me—“that there is no definitive test and to explore your potential.” Her hand was back off the bed. “Explore.”
“You’re impossible.” Snatching hold of her hand, I studied her upturned palm. “Oh yes, I see it. At least three husbands…no, wait…four husbands, and sixteen children.”
Lily snatched her hand back. “My poor va-jay-jay!Whywould you want to hurt it?”
“I’m not the one popping out sixteen kids.” Flicking my hair back, I popped my hip out as I made a silly pose. “Ladykiller.”
“Is that why there’s four?” she asked excitedly. “Do I kill them?”