Page 31 of Wolf's Fate
The scene changed; her house was still there, but I could see the rest of the houses in the row. It was still daylight but silent in the sunlight. She lived on a quiet street, but this…this was too quiet.
Crouching low on the trail, immune to the cold that nippedat my bare human skin, I blinked hard, squeezing my eyes shut and shaking my head to clear the vision. When I opened my eyes, I could still see the image clearer than the forest and rocks in front of me. The scene was clearer now, crisper.
The front door to Willow’s home remained shut. But my feet took me to the back of her house. I wasn’t moving—alone and naked on my Peak, I wasn’t moving—but I wasmovingcloser to her house, walking past her window, crouching low.
Why I crouched, I didn’t know.
Her bedroom window was open, and even in the shade, wolf sight showed me the chaos that lay inside.
Suddenly, I couldn’t breathe. But I needed to see more, so I rushed to look through the back door.
I saw her face. I saw the fear in her eyes. The tremble in her hands as she took in the mess, the tears shimmering as she looked around in shock. The horror registering as she realized someone had been inside her home. Her sanctuary. Violating the place where she felt safe.
Willow began to pace, her lips moving, and then she spun on her heel and went to her studio.
I could feel her panic, her frustration, and then the absolute devastation as she took in the destruction of her home studio.
I dropped down, my knees resting on the cold earth, my fingers curling into the dirt, grounding myself to the mountain as if by doing so, I could sever the connection. Instead, the connection, thelinkto her, felt stronger. Her emotions washed over me, settling around me, blending with mine, and I could feel her, everywhere. I’d never felt it this strongly before. Previously, in the past, I had felt a pull towards her, but this, this wasmore than a pull. This was like I was being dragged through the miles that separated us to witness what had happened to her.
“What the hell is happening?” I muttered, knowing I was on the Peak but seeing Willow’s house.
Lurching forward, I felt nauseous as the scene shifted once more. Willow wasn’t in the house, thank Luna, but I could see the shadows moving—dark and faceless figures moving out of the trees at the back of her house. I watched as they took entry into her home. Her space. My claws broke free of my skin with painful slowness as I fought my instincts torunto her, my body screaming in agony as I forced myself to be still andwatch, to seewhohad invaded her home.
I saw one of them move closer, and my heart thumped in my ears, the blood pounding in my veins. He was a shifter, one I didn’t know but one I would never forget. I drank in his features, his height, the length of his hair, and the fact he favored his left leg. Was that an injury? Permanent or recent? I knew as I kneeled on my mountain, that I would permanently wound them when I found them.
My pulse rocketed as the connection held me like a vise as I watched them move to her bedroom and touch her things. I saw one pick up a pair of her underwear, raise it to his nose, and inhale. Rage coursed through me, and I heard my snarl echo in the air around me.
My howl of rage ripped free of my body, and suddenly, the connection snapped.
Panting, my breath was coming in too short a gasp as I fought the adrenaline racing through me. I wiped the sweat from my face as I came to terms with what I had seen. Myhands were submerged up to my wrists into the earth, and I could feel my claws were out.
“What the fuck was that?” My voice sounded hoarse, and I looked around, knowing there was no one here to give me answers.
Standing, I didn’t enjoy the feeling of weakness in my knees. My legs felt shaky, and I wasn’t sure they would hold me. Only once in my life had I felt so unsure on my feet, and I had sworn I would never feel that helpless again.
My body was streaked with dirt, which made no sense, but it was the least of my concerns. Shaking some dirt from my hands, I tried to make sense of what I’d just seen.
I wasn’t supposed to see this. I wasn’t supposed to be linked to her.Iwasn’t the psychic.
Only a shaman could see visions. I was no shaman, and Willow Harper sure as fuck wasn’t Luna.
Neither of my parents held any other gift. My father was an alpha, and my mother was simply his mate. That was all they were. I felt a twinge of guilt; they weresomuch more, but in terms ofgifted, they were normal.
Yet, I couldn’t deny what I had seen. What I had felt.
Her fear.
So sharp I could taste it. Danger surrounded her, and Iwasn’t there.
My fists clenched at my side at the thought. My anger felt as if it would boil over. I’d seen their violation as if I was seeing it in real time, but when I had stood in front of her house, I knew that this hadn’t happened today. I didn’t know how I knew that, but I did. A week at most had passed.
Why hadn’t she told me? Why hadn’t she told Cannon?Why had no one told me?
Was it a trick? I rejected that as soon as I thought it.
I should ignore this. Icouldignore this. But…what if it was real? Shifters were in her house, wrecking it, looking for something.
What were they looking for? What would they do to Willow to find it?