Page 97 of Wolf's Fate
“Why are they here?”
She licked her lips, looking away from me. “They’re concerned.”
“They don’t know me.”
“Then let them get the chance!” she hissed in temper. Pushing past me, she walked around the side of the cabin.
I didn’t like her walking away.
Following, I narrowly missed the boot that was flung at me. “And put boots on. You make me even colder seeing your toes freezing in the snow like that.”
Doc jerked his head away from my line of sight, and I knew he was fighting a laugh, but my attention was on Cannon.
Ignoring the boots, I looked at the only threat to me on this mountain. “What do you want?”
Cannon’s eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn’t look away. “What we all want. To understand what’s happening to you. To Willow.”
The reminder that it wasn’t just me jolted through me. I glanced at her, seeing her cheeks flushed with cold, bundled into a jacket, and still freezing, but still here.
“The shadows grow darker around you.” The shaman spoke for the first time, and the manners my motherinstilled in me as a young pup made me bow my head in respect for the old shifter, the one who had a direct link to the Goddess.
“You can see them too?” Willow asked him, making everyone’s attention turn to her.
“I can, child. They pull at him.”
“Nothingis pulling at me,” I snapped irritably.
“They wrap themselves around him,” Willow continued as if I hadn’t spoken. “It’s been worse since we got here.”
“Have you drawn it?” Doc asked, and I heard the curiosity, not just in general but the scientist behind it.
“No, I’m afraid to put it on paper.” Her head was down, and that only angered me more.
“Why?” I demanded, stepping closer to her.
“Because it scares me.” She looked up. “You’rescaring me.”
I realizedwhat I had said and cursed my fool tongue when I saw Caleb react to my careless words.
“I scare you?”
“No!” I blurted. “I’m scared for you.”
“That’s not what you said.” He looked at me, suspicion and hurt written all over his face. “I never scared you before. What changed?”
How could he even ask me that? “Youchanged!” I could feel my frustration bubbling over. “You became a completely different person once you got here. You’re not yourself, and all these shadowy things around you, it’s not right.”
“You’re overreacting.”
“No, I’mnot. You’re in denial! Cannon and the shaman are here. Let themhelpyou.”
I saw him look over at them, his lip curling upwards in a sneer. “Help me? Where was your help, old one, when they slaughtered my family?” I watched him as he ran a hand overhis hair, his hand trembling as he fought to stay in control. “Where was the justice for my pack after their murder?”