Page 106 of Luna Trials
Ranger stilled. All traces of humor left his face and he narrowed his gaze. Never in my life had I felt the power of an Alpha this strong swirl around me. It froze me to the spot, demanding I bend the neck, promising bad things to those who displeased him.
I didn’t care.
“Tell me what I don’t know,” he commanded.
But this wasn’t some fairy tale. The big, bad, scary wolf wasn’t going to swoop in and chase all of my problems away. Nope. This was show business as Molly said.
“Why don’t you tell me what I don’t know?” I scoffed, staring down at him and throwing his words from this morning back in his face. “Information goes both ways.”
Anger flashed in his eyes but that was the only tic I could see. His face remained impassive as he sipped from his scotch.
A warm hand caressed my shoulder, drawing my attention away.
“I don’t care what Ranger says. He doesn’t get to keep you to himself tonight of all nights.” Chad smiled a mischievous grin that promised a good time. “Dance with me?”
Chad swept me out onto the ballroom floor before Ranger stood from his seat.
I stumbled a bit on the stupid heels, clinging to Chad’s arm as I laughed nervously. “It’s a little early for the dancing to begin.”
We had the whole open floor to ourselves and the quartet continued to play. Chad was lithe and graceful despite his massive size and I let him lead, swaying to the beat. His scent was pleasant enough. Sort of a mixture of leather and spice. Still, it made my nose itch.
“Someone’s got to get the party started.” Chad was still smiling as he placed his warm hand on the small of my back, switching the steps to a simple rumba. “Besides, they want to join us.”
Sure enough, the camera teams had fanned out and caught us on video as we made our way around the empty floor. Chad twirled me and I managed to balance on the heels as he guided me back to his arms again. The melody was sweet and a few of the contestants watched us wistfully. As wechanged places, I saw Trenton take Lilith’s hand and lead her to the dance floor.
She wasn’t my first choice for him, but the cameras followed, giving him more screentime which was what we needed. I was going to have my work cut out for me in the Alpha Games helping to showcase his personality that I’d always found… lacking.
“You’re a great dancer,” Chad said as more couples joined us on the dance floor.
“Thanks.” I smiled, glancing over to where Ranger stood in the shadows of my table watching. “My papa taught me.”
“Where did he teach?” Chad’s hand laced through mine, drawing my attention back to him. His skin was softer than I realized.
I laughed. “He wasn’t a teacher. Not unless you count having me stand on his toes as we danced around the kitchen lessons.”
The memories of my childhood overwhelmed me then. I could see in perfect clarity the strong shifter my papa was and how each year had aged him as he lost my gram, and his son, and pieces of himself. He deserved to live the rest of his life in peace.
Chad spun me again and I was caught by a different hand. This one rougher and more calloused as his heady woodsy scent enveloped me. My steps faltered and I planted my fingers against Ranger’s strong chest to steady myself.
“No.” Ranger shook his head. “No one else gets your memories.”
The endorphins from dancing were making me lightheaded as I looked up into his intense eyes. “You don’t get to–”
Ranger dipped me and I gasped. His hand trailed up the exposed skin of my back, cupping my head as I caught my breath.
“For the cameras, right?” He growled.
“What are you–”
Time seemed to stop as he closed the distance between us, waiting for the beat of a heart and staring into my eyes. There was a question there. A hesitation I couldn’t handle. It made me uneasy. He was waiting. For what?
And then he kissed me.
There was nothing gentle about his lips as they parted mine. It wasn’t soft. His kiss was possessive. A declaration. A claiming. I tried to push back, but my stupid fingers got tangled in his hair instead as I nipped at his lip.
His dark laughter filled me, rumbling from his chest and sending fire through my veins. He sucked on my bottom lip possessively and then captured my mouth again. I gasped as I breathed in his breath and tasted the richness of his masculine essence that called to a depth within my own soul.