Page 12 of Luna Trials
“Mating Season,” I groaned.
She took a deep breath like she always did when she started to– “That’s in like a month and a half. Why are you stressing out? Your wolf has held out this long. She’s not going to change her mind now. Unless. Is there someone new? How hot is he? He’s a wolf shifter I’m assuming. Yum, I like those bigger knots. Tell me all the dirty details and help a girl out. My spank bank is getting low.”
“Like you actually spank it? How does that… Never mind.” I shook my head to clear the image from my brain as she returned to her normal level of oxygen again. “No, I meanMating Season. Capitalized. I need to know what I’m getting into.”
“Oh my Goddess, I can’t do this.” I stared at the screen in my office. It was the only computer in this prison I had access to that wasn’t on a secured internet.
“I’m more concerned with the fact that you’ve never watched the show.” Clara’s small booty wasperched on my desk atop the testing materials I had laid out for the week.
All this work was going to waste.
It never was my dream job anyway.
“Hey Teach. You know it’s Saturday, right?” Bishop called out. The guard on duty across the hall locked up the barber shop.
“Is he good with you?” the guard asked.
I nodded, waving him over.
Bishop, the grizzly shifter-slash-barber, was one of my best students. Not academically. He’d failed his GED test four times already. But he was a sweetheart and worked really hard, especially when candy incentives were involved. Ironically, he was in prison for holding up an ice cream parlor.
Yes, it was cliché.
But I wasn’t going to tell the giant beast of a man with biceps bigger than my head that.
Bishop padded over in his orange jumpsuit. Another trustee allowed more freedom in this joint and one I also considered a friend.
Which probably said something about me.
I’d worry about that later.
“What are you watching?” Bishop came into my small office, taking up half the room on the other side of my desk.
“Mating Season.” Clara stayed on her side of the desk. They knew the rules. No touching members of the opposite sex. Maybe that’s why I fit in here. We were all going through a dry spell.
“What season?” Bishop leaned closer. I was sure he needed glasses.
“We haven’t even made it through season one and she’s already freaking out,” Clara said.
I wasn’t freaking out. I was fine. Totally okay. There would be a way out of this. A technicality of some sort if I could just figure it out. You know what? This pack wasn’t so bad. Maybe I could take over my papa’s job and run the trapline for him. Watch him slowly waste away…
“Hey, you don’t look so good.” Bishop rubbed his freshly shaved jaw.
“I’m fine,” I squeaked out. “What happens in season two?”
“Isn’t that the one where Majorie dies?” he asked.
“No that was Melissa in season three,” Clara explained. “Majorie was the drama queen in season one.”
“I remember her. She got that one snaggletooth Alpha in the end.” Bishop nodded like they didn’t just gloss over someone’s death.
I was in a prison.
You’d think I’d be used to that.
“Is there a survival rate I should be aware of?” Because that seemed important to know.