Page 24 of Luna Trials
I glanced over my shoulder, meeting Ranger’s dark gaze again and a shiver danced down my spine.
He shook his head slightly, anger radiating from him in waves that made my stomach roll in on itself. Ranger grabbed Blue-eyes’ shoulder and the two of them turned away.
What the hell was that?!
Breakfast.My wolf licked her chomps.
Right. I needed to eat.
On shaking legs, I found an empty table and slid down onto the chair. The scent of the woods wasstill dusted on my skin and I couldn’t breathe through the pheromones in here. But I needed to get some fuel in me and didn’t trust myself not to pass out if I ran back to the hotel room without eating first.
I shoved a piece of bacon into my mouth, keeping my eyes down and focused on the table as I tried to think.Was it just me affected by the Alphas this way?Because I totally wasn’t expecting to react like a bitch in heat without actually being in heat.
I reached for a sausage link and chewed, processing. Maybe it was easier for the other females to be here because they hung out with Alphas on a daily basis. That was it. I just needed some exposure therapy. It wouldn’t be so hard once I got used to all the pheromones floating around.
Thankfully the Luna Trials were female centric. I had some time before I actually had to interact with the Alphas I assumed. So, I could take this slowly and build up a tolerance to the effects. We’d start with breakfast and then other meals.
Everything was easier to handle when food was involved.
I bit into my second piece of sausage. Already, I was feeling calmer. I risked a glance up, seeing a few of the Alphas were still lingering at their tables. No sign of Ranger or Blue-eyes though. I cut into my French toast and forked a giant piece.
“You’re Aspen, right?”
I looked to the side with my cheeks stuffed full of French toast and nodded at one of the prettiest women I’d ever seen. Her curly brown hairfell in waves down her back and her voluptuous curves were artfully dressed into a fitting business skirt suit.
“How fun,” the woman beside her said. Black hair with violet highlights was pinned up on top of her regal head. She had a Grecian nose and big brown eyes lined with charcoal. Her toned and muscular body melded into her skintight black pants and ankle boots.
And… I’m done.
I continued to chew my breakfast.
I didn’t swing that way, but if I did, I would have to admit defeat. It was honestly the moment I realized that I was way out of my league. Not in the awkward girl who didn’t have confidence way. More like I stepped straight onto a runway shoot after crashing through the racks of Goodwill.
Which is basically what I did.
The women were still staring at me as I choked down the mouthful of syrupy bread.
“Did you two want to sit here?”
“Don’t mind if I do.” Tall, dark, and sexy took the seat beside me as curvy business chic held up a finger, pulling out her phone.
“What did you do to piss off my brother?” the woman beside me asked, reaching for a piece of sausage on my tray with a questioning arch to her eyebrow. “May I?”
I nodded and put down my fork so I didn’t accidentally stab her. “I didn’t realize I pissed anyone off. Who is your brother?”
Dark Beauty choked on a laugh as she hooked a thumb over her shoulder toward the doors. “Ranger. He stormed out of here without eating. Do you really not know who he is?”
I assumed from her tone that I was supposed to, but other than him easily being the hottest guy I’d ever seen, I had no clue who he was. “Sorry, no. I don’t follow pack politics much.”
Which in hindsight was probably not the smartest thing to admit when coming to this show.
I needed to do some recon, quick.
“It seems like my cousin took a liking to you.” The brunette put away her phone.
Who are these people?I looked around the room as if the answer would magically jump out at me.“Which one is your cousin?”
She blinked like I personally offended her while Dark Beauty started laughing again.