Page 42 of Luna Trials
That shouldn’t have been so hard to say.
“I need you to meet with the quality inspector at Clinton Processing today at noon.” I fired off an email to Greg letting him know Mattox would be there.
“Yep,” Mattox’s irritated tone drifted through the speaker on the phone.
“Is there a problem?”
“No, boss.” Mattox sighed.
I waited.
“This was supposed to be Fallon’s job,” he finally said.
“And you helped load her suitcases in my Jeep despite knowing I didn’t want her here.” I pulled up the schedule for inspections this week. Government interference was a headache. Things were easier for the packs when we didn’t have to at least pretend we were meeting theirsafetycriteria.
“Fair point.” Mattox chuckled. “I had this coming.”
“That you did.” I finished looking over the calendar. It seemed like we’d be good until I got back which was one less thing to worry about.
“Have you thought about hiring someone for these things?” Mattox asked. “A secretary or liaison to deal with the human sector.”
“Why would I pay someone else to do what I can do?” He was right though. I just didn’t want to admit it. Having control of all the parts in various aspects of pack leadership kept me focused, sharp.
I liked knowing how everything was handled even if it’d been a steep learning curve to get where I was today.
“Alright. It was just a suggestion. How’s the show going by the way?”
“Filming starts this morning.” I exited out of the schedules and checked my email for a response from Greg. It’d only been a few minutes, but he should be at the office soon.
“Are you bringing us home a Luna?” Mattox teased. He, along with a few others who I trusted, knew the real reason I was here.
But his comment made me pause for a moment as I thought the matter through. I had plans for a certain Luna candidate. My own games I wanted to play. Would it be better to wait until I was off the show and bring her back to McCaw Pack first?
Yes.My wolf growled.
“What?” Mattox sounded like he’d almost dropped the phone.
“No,” I said. “I was talking to my wolf.”
“Oh.” Mattox let out a relieved breath. “We definitely don’t need any of those princesses around here with more demands. Fallon is hard enough to deal with.”
“Do you want to say that again?” I glanced at the phone.
“Kidding, boss.” I knew he was, but it was fun screwing with him. “Anyway, I got word from Ivan that you wanted him up at the resort. Verifying with you before I put the request for transfer in.”
“Yeah.” The incoming email from Greg dinged in my mailbox. “I think it’s best to have some of my own security on the detail up here.”
“Good,” Mattox agreed. “I’m glad you finally came to your senses. I can send up a few more of our guys.”
“Just Ivan.” I closed the laptop. The security wasn’t for me. I wanted more eyes and ears in this place–a little more control–before I made my next move.