Page 64 of Luna Trials
“That’s stupidity, not pride. Why wouldn’t she accept my protection if I can keep her safe and make sure she is taken care of?”
I didn’t see what the problem was here.
“Oh Ranger.” Fallon groaned, rubbing her forehead. “You’re going to mess this up.”
Papa:You making friends yet?
Aspen:Sort of. I met an Omega. She is nice.
Aspen:I was pretty shocked about it too.
Papa:Is she going to be on the show?
Aspen:I think we all are. That’s the plan anyway. Are you watching?
Papa:Yep. Got a six pack and a steak on the grill.
Aspen:Wish I was there. Love you.
I thought about mentioning Fallon, but I still wasn’t sure if you could consider usfriends. She was super nice despite her “don’t screw with me” attitude. I liked her a lot. But she was also Ranger’s sister and that was a whole rabbit hole I wasn’t about to crawl down.
I only hoped I wasn’t making real enemies. Cindy had threatened me, but after a few minutes of walking with Fallon and calming down, I realized it had less to do with me and more to do with her fear of Opal. It would probably be smart for me to keep a low profile, but it wasn’t in my nature to stay quiet when bullies tried to strut their stuff around.
I laid back on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. We had a few hours until the first elimination round. Any minute now, the season premiere would be airing. The voters would decide my fate.
A part of me thought how relieving it would be to go home and be done with the whole thing.
Alpha Derek would be pissed and my papa would continue wearing himself down bit by bit, spending the rest of his life running the trapline for the prison. I’d go back to work with the inmates, never leaving Nuva Territory just like them, and one day mate with someone. Have a bunch of Nuva pups that would be desert rats like me. Or maybe I’d never mate and go work with my papa instead. I’d carry on the trapping business after he was gone.
I could see myself now. Some old and weathered lone wolf who would scare the pups away.
It wasn’t a bad life.
Stop biting your nails. I like our claws sharp.
I pulled my finger from my mouth.
This was stupid. Why weren’t we allowed to watch the show if everyone else got to? I was about to call my papa and make him put the phone on speaker, but the thought of dealing with his commentary made me cringe.
I didn’t want to see the show. I just wanted it to hurry up and end so I could get the hell out of here. This place was making me crazy. It felt like thewalls were watching me. Or I might have been delusional because I wasn’t getting enough sleep.
Yeah. That was probably it.
At least I was able to sneak in a quick nap because tonight was going to be a long one. My alarm buzzed, telling me it was time to head downstairs for the makeup session before they potentially kicked me out.