Page 71 of Luna Trials
“As much as I adore your scowling dangerous look, I’m never going to be able to wing this liner unless you relax,” Jesse hissed.
“Sorry.” I smoothed out the lines of my face, trying to glance around the edge of the mirror to see if I could spot where Fallon was seated. Ranger had my head all messed up. I didn’t have siblings so I wasn’t sure what the protocol was on asking questions about her brother.
On second thought, she was the last person I wanted to talk to about how I was feeling.
“Stop cringing.” A makeup brush smacked against my nose.
“Sorry. Again.” I looked up at Jesse.
“Do you want to tell me what’s bothering you?” He balanced a palette of blush on his hand.
I liked Jesse, even knowing he probably had ulterior motives for helping me, but I wasn’t sure if he could be called a friend. Did I even have real friends? I missed Clara and hated that I couldn’t call her whenever I wanted. And my papa wouldn’t understand.
“Look, I know your heat is coming up, but you went from angry vixen to wounded pup in two seconds flat. This seems a little extreme for you. What’s wrong?”
At the mention of my heat, I froze. That explained so much. In less than a month, I’d be in the throes. No wonder my head was so twisted now.
“Talk, please. Before I do your lips.”
“That sounded dirty.” A giggle slipped out.
Jesse blinked at me with his long lashes.
“Fine.” I sighed. “It’s this place. I don’t know how to play these games.”
“The games haven’t even started yet.” Jesse worked a brush over my upper eyelids. “Is this about Ranger?”
“Maybe.” I almost bit my lip until Jesse flicked it. “Okay. Probably. He’s so hot and cold. I don’t know what to think about him.”
“It’ll be fun to watch what he does during the Alpha Games,” Jesse said. There was a strange look in his green eyes.
“If I make it there.” I huffed. True, I had the public vote. But I couldn’t even get one Alpha to want me. Not even Ranger with all his sexy talk casted a vote my way.
“You’ll be fine.” Jesse managed to sound reassuring even though I didn’t feel it. “You’re America’s sweetheart this season. Now close your eyes so I can make you look the part.”
The stage looked different. Two tan leather arm chairs sat under the spotlights. Alphas were still piling into the convention center and taking their seats to watch the filming start. The curtain closed, cutting off my view, but I got a glimpse ofhimsitting in the front row.
I wish I could blame my nerves for the way my hands shook, but I was already used to the cameras by now. And the public speaking portion was just a test of knowledge.
My inner nerd loved tests and the adrenaline rush that came from getting the answers right.
“Everyone quiet,” one of the production crew shushed us. “You’re going to enter stage right when your name is called, sit in the chair across from Jay, and exit stage left when your time is up. After this, you’re done for the day.”
Sweet precious sleep was calling my name. I didn’t have to do anything until the elimination round tomorrow morning.
I stood still as the sound guy adjusted the microphone on my sundress, trying not to feel like cattle being herded through a fence. From the little I’d seen of the show, they made this look so natural, sprinkling the interviews and conversations in with the footage of the trials. I didn’t realize it was so methodically planned and orchestrated.
“Aspen, you’re next.” Molly moved me to the front of the line as the ten-minute buzzer signaled the end of Edith’s turn. I should have been paying attention to her answers.
Jay’s makeup team hovered around him, offering sips of water, until he waved them away.
“3, 2, 1. Action.”
Someone gave me a gentle shove forward.