Page 80 of Luna Trials
I touched the already healing split on my lip, too shocked to even continue the fight.
Slow clapping sounded from the leather chairs around the stone fireplace of the lobby.
He sat there like a dark king surveying a castle next to Chad and Brett Fraizer who were grinning at the scene.
Not Ranger though. His elbows rested on his knees as he studied me. My stomach flipped as I growled at him, tugging on my wolf to hold her back from taking over our skin.
Ranger curled a finger.
Was he beckoning me?
Go,my wolf urged.
No.I flipped him off, turning on my heel to leave.
My cock was so hard it strained against my pants and threatened to burst through the seams as I thought of Aspen’s hotheaded defiance. It was an effort to shove it down and keep my composure as I marched to the production offices in the basement.
“You good, boss?”Ivan glanced up from his seat next to the techs who were monitoring the screens.
“Fine.”I kept my gaze on the production assistant, pretending not to notice Ivan. “Where is Molly?”
“She’s in the conference room, Mr. McCaw.” The woman jumped to her feet and nervously flipped her hair over her shoulder. “Is there anything I can help you with?”
“No.” I growled, turning to leave.
The conference room door was locked. I pounded on it with my fist, irritated at the delay as someone on the other side rushed to open it. Molly and the director looked up at me when I entered.
“Mr. McCaw, to what do we owe the surprise?” Molly asked. Her hands rested calmly on the desk, but I could hear her pulse pickup from where I was standing.
“I want Aspen off the show,” I said.
“I’m sorry, what?” The director gasped. Mike was a crow shifter whose voice echoed when hespoke. It gave me a headache the whole time my lawyers were interrogating him.
“You heard me.” I maintained my cool demeanor despite the urge to wring someone’s neck. “Aspen goes or I do.”
It was a thin threat. I wasn’t walking out of here until I got what I came for, but they didn’t know that yet.
“Mr. McCaw, please.” Molly pushed back her chair, frantically looking around the room. Someone caught her eye as she mouthed the word, “lawyer” like I couldn’t hear or see.
“I don’t have time for your games and I could give two shits about the contract.” I let my tone convey my seriousness. “I want Aspen out of here and somewhere safe away from these wolves.”
“We can’t kick one of the favorites off the show without just cause,” Mike was sputtering. “If she drops in rankings, we can entertain the idea. But we can’t remove a contestant for no reason. Corporate wouldn’t allow it and we’d have legal on our heads.”
I despised dealing with human policy.
“Fine,” I grit out. “I want a guarantee of her safety. Keep a security team on her at all times and harsh punishments for any contestants that step out of line with her.”
Molly blinked up at me with a knowing smile on her face. “Of course, Mr. McCaw. We take the safety of all the contestants seriously.”
I’d never hit a woman before, but it was the second time in one day I wanted to. First was Cindy when she’d thrown the cheap shot that Aspen took like a champ. I was looking at the second and barely kept my claws in check.
“My lawyers will be in touch to renegotiate a contract. Aspen will not be harmed on the show. Do you understand me?”
“Perfectly, Mr. McCaw.” Molly’s smile widened. “We’ll email the new contract for you to look over once they write up the clause.”