Page 83 of Luna Trials
I don’t like this.My wolf was amped up and pacing.
Chill out. You’re making me nervous.I hoisted the trunk onto my hip and left the room.
The elevator dinged and a very sloppy looking Jesse came spilling out, smelling like the bottom of a bar room floor.
“I’m sorry I’m late. I swear she drugged me.” Jesse cringed under the fluorescent lights in the hall.
“Late for what?” I leaned away from him, discreetly rubbing my nose on the inside of my shirt neckline to chase away his scent.
“Your nest gear.” He stumbled to the side and overcorrected, leaning against the wall. “Wait. What time is it?”
“A little before noon. I have plenty of time to get there.” I cringed as his breath washed over me. “How much did you drink to still be this drunk?”
“Please don’t yell profanities at me.” He squinted with one eye closed. “Okay. We have time. Let me see what you’re bringing.”
“I think I’ve got this.” I hugged the trunk closer to my chest. The thought of him, or anyone, touching my things was making me sick to my stomach.
“Put it on the floor and take off the lid.” He pointed, taking a step back and still squinting.
I could do that.
No. It’s not for him.
He isn’t going to mess anything up.
He needs to leave. I have to prepare.
We still have a couple of weeks before the heat!
I wanted to cry in frustration at the weird feelings coursing through my body. My fangs extended as I forced myself to set down the trunk and open the lid.
“Um…” The alcohol flush drained from Jesse’s face.
Snarling, I snapped the lid closed. My hands flew to my mouth. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s going on with me.”
“It’s normal.” He brushed off my concerns like I hadn’t just lost my mind. “Don’t worry. I think we can work with this. Let me make a few calls. I’ll have a delivery here in an hour.”
“We have to do this by ourself.” The feral voice that came from my mouth wasn’t my own. The sound was garbled with my wolf’s tone. My eyes widened in surprise.
Are you okay in there?
This isn’t right.
“Don’t freak out on me now.” Jesse moved to touch my arm and thankfully stopped himself as my claws extended. “I’ve got a mated female wolf shifter friend. She’s the only one who will handle the stuff and it’ll be dropped off in your nesting site before you get there.”
“That’ll work.” I nodded.
Jesse smiled like I was about to pounce, keeping his arms wide as he ushered me to the elevator. I stood in place to hold the door open.
“Oh no.” Jesse shook his head. “I’ll take the stairs. You have fun today.”
This was not fun.
Tiny fire ants were crawling up and down my spine. My wolf was agitated and pacing, growling at any Luna candidate who got too close to us. I’d never felt this way in my life–not during any heat, or mating season, or trial nest run.