Page 89 of Luna Trials
I bit into the bagel I’d snagged from the cafeteria as I slid the keycard in the lock to my room.“Can it wait? I’m busy right now.”Busy avoiding him and anything else that came with a penis.
“Good morning.”
I shrieked and almost dropped my bagel. Trenton and Stef were sitting on the sofas in the main area of the hotel room.
“Or you can just ambush me.” I took another bite. I was feeling better, almost like myself again after a good night’s sleep, but, of course, my pack didn’t care.
“No games, Aspen,” Trenton growled. “You need to take a seat.”
I thought about defying him, but figured it was easier to eat while sitting so I dragged out one of the dinette chairs. “Who pissed in your corn flakes this morning?”
“Everything is a joke to her.” Stef sighed.
It wasn’t. But you had to find humor somewhere in a pack like mine. “Was this familymeeting on the schedule or did I miss the memo?” I asked over a bite full of everything and cream cheese.
Why had I never eaten one of these before?
“Will you cut the shit?” Trenton jumped to his feet with fists clenched at his side as he started to shake. Ooo… Scary Alpha Trenton.
I took another bite.
“Is this what you did to him?” Trenton demanded. “Why do you try to get under every male’s skin?”
“Excuse me?” I swallowed down the carb loaded breakfast. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Ranger.” Stef stood and put her hand on Trenton’s shoulder. He shrugged her off.
“What does Ranger have to do with any of this?” I asked, feeling the tug in my chest at the mention of his name.
“Why don’t you tell me?” Trenton scowled. “Why does the most powerful Alpha in this place have a target on your back?”
“What do you mean, a ‘target?’” I set down the bagel.
“Goddess, Aspen. You really need to pay more attention,” Stef said.
I ignored her, staring at Trenton. “Why do you think he has it out for me?”
“Let’s start with the fact that he told the producers he wanted you off the show.”
“He did what?” I gasped.
“One of the other Alphas is friends with the director and Ranger stormed into the conference room the other day demanding they send you home.” Stef was gloating.
I was going to be sick.
“And I think you’re going to fail the nest trial,” Trenton added, digging the knife in deeper.
“What was wrong with my nest?”
“Couldn’t say.” Trenton shrugged. “Ranger wouldn’t let anyone near it. I put in a vote for you, but I don’t think it will matter since none of the Alphas even got a chance to see what you made. He hasn’t been letting them vote for you anyway. Did you know that?”
“No.” I felt tears burning behind my eyes but I refused to let them fall. So what? There was still a chance I’d continue to pass with the popular vote. I didn’t need any of these stupid Alphas to care.
Especially nothim.
“We told you not to make enemies like that.” Trenton growled. “I can’t protect you from McCaw Pack on my own.”