Page 96 of Luna Trials
Snag a hot Alpha for me.
XOXO Clara.
Grateful tears welled in my eyes. I may not have been the coolest person in the world, but I did have some really awesome friends.
Bishop’s letter was next. The bear shifter had made some bets and threatened to shank me if I lost the trials. For legal purposes, that was a joke.
I set his letter to the side and looked at the rest of the stack. The letters were from most of the trustees and less dangerous offenders. But there was a lot of them. It was going to be a mission to find enough stamps to write them all back.
I grabbed a blanket from the bed and sat back down on the couch, not feeling quite so alone anymore now that I was surrounded by hundreds of letters from the inmates of Holton Penitentiary. There were good people out there, even in the darkest of places. I smiled as I picked up another letter.
I woke fully rested with a big ole’ smile on my face, ready to take on the day. By tomorrow, I’d know if I passed the Luna Trials or not and could get on with the rest of my life. Though the thought of Ranger being here and finding another Luna made my wolf itch with jealousy, I purposefully pushed away her worries.
If it was meant to happen, it would.
A phone ringing in the living room startled me as I was brushing my teeth. I didn’t even realize there was a phone out there and I found it by the mini-fridge.
“Hey Aspen. It’s Opal. I’m at the reception desk and there is a delivery here for you. Do you want me to bring it up? They say I need your permission.”
“A delivery?” I looked to the box of opened letters on the coffee table, wondering if some had been delayed. “Sure. If you don’t mind carrying them. I’m in room 623.”
“I won’t mind if you share.” The nervousness in her question made me laugh.
I didn’t know what she wanted with letters from inmates, but I wasn’t going to deny her something so silly. “You can have as many as you want.”
“Great. You’re the best. I’ll be right up.”
I was still laughing as I pulled my hair into a messy bun. We had all day before it was time to get ready for the final trial tonight and I couldn’t think of a better way to spend the morning than hanging out with Opal. There were questions I was dying to ask her about being an Omega and I wasn’t sure if I’d get another chance.
The knock at the door came quicker than I expected.
“You’re fast.” My eyes widened as I came face to face with Ranger standing in the doorway.
“Good morning, beautiful.”
“Good… Good morning.” I swallowed hard. His masculine smell was messing with my senses and it was way too early for this. “Can I help you?”
“You can.” Something wicked gleamed in his smile. “May I come in?”
“No.” I panicked, moving to shut the door.
His foot slid in the way. “Please?”
I shoved against the door, but his foot was a boulder. Why did it feel like he was only asking as a courtesy? “What do you want?”
Ranger ran a hand through his hair, tousling it further as he looked me over. It was then that I saw the dark circles under his eyes. The tortured expression called to something deep within me.
“Are those llamas on your pajamas?”
And just like that, my sympathy was gone. “If you came here to mock me, you can leave.”
“I’m not here to tease you. Yet.” He licked his lips and I felt a tug in my core. “But I don’t want to stand in the hall. There are cameras out here.”